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O presente trabalho realizou-se no âmbito da obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil, no ramo de Gestão da Construção. Para tal, realizou-se um trabalho em ambiente empresarial na empresa Vaz Pinto Mendes, Lda, com o tema “A atividade da avaliação imobiliária”. A atividade da avaliação imobiliária é imprescindível, na medida em que as avaliações de imóveis são elementos-chave em vários processos de diferentes características, nomeadamente processos judiciais, análise de investimentos ou compra e venda de imóveis. Além disso, é um serviço requisitados por entidades pública, privadas e particulares. Os objetivos traçados, de um modo geral, consistiam em acompanhar em ambiente empresarial diversos casos de estudo de avaliação imobiliária, conseguindo assim perceber as etapas dos processos, assim como aplicar as metodologias necessárias consoante o tipo de imóvel. Além disso, fez-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica com o objetivo de apresentar o estado atual do conhecimento do tema. Ao longo do estágio foram acompanhados vários processos de avaliação imobiliária. Neste relatório são descritos com pormenor, apresentando as prospeções de mercado realizadas e explicando com detalhe as metodologias aplicadas. Pretende-se com este trabalho apresentar o conhecimento e experiência adquiridos durante o período em que se realizou o estágio.
The present work was carried out within the scope of obtaining a Master's degree in Civil Engineering, in the field of Construction Management. To this end, work was carried out in a business environment at the company Vaz Pinto Mendes, Lda, with the theme “The activity of real estate appraisal”. The activity of real estate appraisal is essential, as property valuations are key elements in several processes of different characteristics, namely legal proceedings, investment analysis or property purchases and sales. Furthermore, it is a service requested by public and private entities, as well as individuals. The goals outlined, in general, consisted of following in a business environment several study cases of real estate appraisal, thus being able to understand the stages of the processes, as well as applying the necessary methodologies depending on the type of property. In addition, a bibliographical research was carried out to present the current state of knowledge on the subject. During the internship, several real estate appraisal processes were followed. In this report they are described in detail, presenting the market surveys carried out and explaining in detail the applied methodologies. The aim of this work is to present the knowledge and experience acquired during the period in which the internship took place.
The present work was carried out within the scope of obtaining a Master's degree in Civil Engineering, in the field of Construction Management. To this end, work was carried out in a business environment at the company Vaz Pinto Mendes, Lda, with the theme “The activity of real estate appraisal”. The activity of real estate appraisal is essential, as property valuations are key elements in several processes of different characteristics, namely legal proceedings, investment analysis or property purchases and sales. Furthermore, it is a service requested by public and private entities, as well as individuals. The goals outlined, in general, consisted of following in a business environment several study cases of real estate appraisal, thus being able to understand the stages of the processes, as well as applying the necessary methodologies depending on the type of property. In addition, a bibliographical research was carried out to present the current state of knowledge on the subject. During the internship, several real estate appraisal processes were followed. In this report they are described in detail, presenting the market surveys carried out and explaining in detail the applied methodologies. The aim of this work is to present the knowledge and experience acquired during the period in which the internship took place.
Avaliação imobiliária Imóveis Método Valor Mercado Real estate appraisal Real estate Method Value Market