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As redes sociais desempenham atualmente um papel central nas escolhas pessoais dos
consumidores, especialmente na aquisição de bens. Através de comentários, fotos e
vídeos, os utilizadores partilham as suas opiniões e recomendações sobre produtos,
procriando impacto nos demais utilizadores que visualizam essas publicações. Assim, o
tradicional word-of-mouth evoluiu para o electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM),
inaugurando uma nova era da comunicação digital.
Este estudo tem como principal finalidade compreender a influência do electronic wordof-
mouth (eWOW) em virtude da rede social TikTok, na intenção de compra de produtos
de cosmética. Devido a esta rede social destacar-se pelo grande volume de conteúdo em
cosmética, promovendo a partilha de informações e experiências.
Assim, para compreender a indução do electronic word-of-mouth (eWOW) foi aplicado
o modelo de Indrawati, Yones & Muthaiyah (2022), que foi inspirado no Modelo de
Adoção de Informação de Sussan & Siegal (2003), um modelo amplamente utilizado em
estudos sobre o electronic word-of-mouth (eWOW).
De forma a dar resposta ao estudo, utilizou-se uma abordagem quantitativa através do
auxílio de um questionário online na plataforma Google Forms. Assim, obteve-se 244
respostas das quais 162 foram válidas. Para análise dos dados recorreu-se ao programa de
estatística SPSS IBM, apenas para análisar a caracterização da amostra. Como também o
software PLS SMART 4.0 para testar as hipóteses do estudo através do modelo de
equações estruturais de mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS-SEM).
O estudo confirmou a validade do modelo proposto ao demonstrar que o electronic wordof-
mouth (eWOW) na rede social TikTok influencia a intenção de compra de produtos de
cosmética. A recolha de informações através dos vídeos publicados por perfis vulgares
promove uma sensação de conforto e segurança nos consumidores, contribuindo para que
se sintam mais confiantes nas suas escolhas antes de realizar uma compra.
Social networks currently play a central role in consumers' personal choices, especially when it comes to purchasing goods. Through comments, photos and videos, users share their opinions and recommendations on products, creating an impact on other users who view these posts. Thus, traditional word-of-mouth has evolved into electronic word-ofmouth (eWOM), ushering in a new era of digital communication. The main purpose of this study is to understand the influence of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOW) through the TikTok social network on the intention to buy cosmetics products. This social network stands out for its large volume of cosmetics content, promoting the sharing of information and experiences. Thus, in order to understand the induction of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOW), Indrawati, Yones & Muthaiyah's (2022) model was applied, which was inspired by Sussan & Siegal's Information Adoption Model (2003), a model widely used in studies on electronic word-of-mouth (eWOW). In order to respond to the study, a quantitative approach was used through an online questionnaire on the Google Forms platform. A total of 244 responses were obtained, of which 162 were valid. To analyze the data, we used the IBM SPSS statistics program, just to analyze the characterization of the sample. The PLS SMART 4 software was also used to test the study's hypotheses using the partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM). The study confirmed the validity of the proposed model by demonstrating that electronic word-of-mouth on the TikTok social network influences the intention to buy cosmetics products. Gathering information through videos published by ordinary profiles promotes a feeling of comfort and security in consumers, helping them to feel more confident in their choices before making a purchase.
Social networks currently play a central role in consumers' personal choices, especially when it comes to purchasing goods. Through comments, photos and videos, users share their opinions and recommendations on products, creating an impact on other users who view these posts. Thus, traditional word-of-mouth has evolved into electronic word-ofmouth (eWOM), ushering in a new era of digital communication. The main purpose of this study is to understand the influence of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOW) through the TikTok social network on the intention to buy cosmetics products. This social network stands out for its large volume of cosmetics content, promoting the sharing of information and experiences. Thus, in order to understand the induction of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOW), Indrawati, Yones & Muthaiyah's (2022) model was applied, which was inspired by Sussan & Siegal's Information Adoption Model (2003), a model widely used in studies on electronic word-of-mouth (eWOW). In order to respond to the study, a quantitative approach was used through an online questionnaire on the Google Forms platform. A total of 244 responses were obtained, of which 162 were valid. To analyze the data, we used the IBM SPSS statistics program, just to analyze the characterization of the sample. The PLS SMART 4 software was also used to test the study's hypotheses using the partial least squares structural equation model (PLS-SEM). The study confirmed the validity of the proposed model by demonstrating that electronic word-of-mouth on the TikTok social network influences the intention to buy cosmetics products. Gathering information through videos published by ordinary profiles promotes a feeling of comfort and security in consumers, helping them to feel more confident in their choices before making a purchase.
Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOW) Intenção de compra Redes sociais TikTok Produtos de cosmética Purchase intention Cosmetic produtcs Social networks