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Esta Dissertação foi redigida com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre e consequente
finalização do 2º ciclo de estudos. O tema deste estudo aborda precisamente as
dissertações, a criação de conhecimento científico, e o impacto profissional da obtenção
do grau de Mestre na vida dos estudantes.
Na Revisão de Literatura é feita uma contextualização sobre o conhecimento, o
conhecimento científico e a publicação científica. Foi dado destaque à Dissertação como
publicação científica e como um dos veículos de transmissão de conhecimento científico.
Analisou-se a contribuição desta publicação inserida no aumento evidente de publicações
científicas compiladas nas últimas décadas. No seu seguimento, abordou-se a
contribuição do mestrado para o aumento de publicações científicas, bem como a sua
contribuição para o percurso profissional do estudante após obtenção do grau.
Na Metodologia, e com o objetivo de analisar se a elaboração da Dissertação contribui
para a criação e transmissão de conhecimento, e se, por outro lado, a obtenção do grau de
Mestre tem impacto positivo na vida profissional do Mestre, foram elaborados e enviados
questionários a atuais Mestres de diversas áreas do conhecimento. Os mesmos foram
analisados no capítulo da discussão dos resultados obtidos.
Chegou-se à conclusão que, com a amostra obtida, apenas foi possível comprovar 43,65%
do modelo de análise definido para o efeito. Apesar destes resultados, é interessante ler e
refletir sobre as questões que foram feitas, pois serão pertinentes e úteis para quem
pondera dar este passo académico.
This Master Thesis was written with the intent of getting a Master’s degree and subsequent completion of the 2nd study cycle. The subject of this study approaches precisely Master Thesis, the creation of scientific knowledge, and the professional impact of the degree in the life of the students. In the Literature Review a contextualisation is made about knowledge, scientific knowledge, and scientific publication. Emphasis was given to the Master Thesis as a scientific publication and as one of the vehicles for the transmission of scientific knowledge. The contribution of this publication within the evident increase of scientific publications compiled in the last decades was analysed. As a follow-up, the Master's contribution to the increase in scientific publications was addressed, as well as its contribution to the student's professional path after graduation. In the Methodology, and with the aim of analysing whether the preparation of the Master Thesis contributes to the creation and transmission of knowledge, and whether obtaining a Master's degree has a positive impact on the professional life of the Master, questionnaires were prepared and sent to current Masters in various areas of knowledge. These were analysed in the discussion of the obtained results chapter. It was concluded that, with the sample obtained, it was only possible to prove 43.65% of the analysis model defined for this purpose. Despite these results, it is interesting to read and think about the questions that have been asked, as they will be relevant and useful for those considering taking this academic step.
This Master Thesis was written with the intent of getting a Master’s degree and subsequent completion of the 2nd study cycle. The subject of this study approaches precisely Master Thesis, the creation of scientific knowledge, and the professional impact of the degree in the life of the students. In the Literature Review a contextualisation is made about knowledge, scientific knowledge, and scientific publication. Emphasis was given to the Master Thesis as a scientific publication and as one of the vehicles for the transmission of scientific knowledge. The contribution of this publication within the evident increase of scientific publications compiled in the last decades was analysed. As a follow-up, the Master's contribution to the increase in scientific publications was addressed, as well as its contribution to the student's professional path after graduation. In the Methodology, and with the aim of analysing whether the preparation of the Master Thesis contributes to the creation and transmission of knowledge, and whether obtaining a Master's degree has a positive impact on the professional life of the Master, questionnaires were prepared and sent to current Masters in various areas of knowledge. These were analysed in the discussion of the obtained results chapter. It was concluded that, with the sample obtained, it was only possible to prove 43.65% of the analysis model defined for this purpose. Despite these results, it is interesting to read and think about the questions that have been asked, as they will be relevant and useful for those considering taking this academic step.
Conhecimento Dissertação Mestre Impacto Knowledge Master Master thesis Impact