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A presente dissertação resulta do estágio desenvolvido em ambiente empresarial, da unidade curricular de DIPRE – Dissertação, Projeto e Relatório de Estágio. Este estágio curricular acompanhou o desenvolvimento de duas empreitadas da Garcia, Garcia Design & Build S.A. (GG), a primeira em fase de acabamentos, acompanhando uma das três empreitadas, o Asprela Domus II, e a segunda, desde o início dos trabalhos da Asprela Domus III. O estágio teve como principal objetivo o acompanhamento, a atualização e sugestões de melhoria da ferramenta Lean aplicada à construção, bem como o apoio necessário nas mais diversas tarefas decorrentes de uma empreitada geral da construção de edifícios. Como a GG em parceria com a Kaizen Institute tem vindo a implementar nas suas obras o [Last Planner System], através da metodologia [Controlo Visual da Obra], esta tornou-se uma mais valia para o desenvolvimento dos objetivos propostos para este trabalho. Esta dissertação define os processos que devem ser implementados para uma eficaz aplicação do Lean, ajustado aos processos de construção, o Lean Construction, recorrendo aos dois casos de estudo. Aborda, ainda, a forma de dinamização da metodologia [Sala Obeya] / [Sala de Reuniões]. Durante a realização do estágio curricular, foi possível no primeiro caso de estudo, o Asprela Domus II, criar uma lista com a relação dos trabalhos em curso nas zonas comuns - “Check List das Zonas Comuns” e o preenchimento, bem como o aperfeiçoamento, da “Check List das Frações Residenciais”. Foi também possível atuar na manutenção da [Sala Lean], ou [Sala Obeya] existente em obra. Para a segundo caso de estudo, o Asprela Domus III, foi possível estabelecer a manutenção da [Sala Obeya] e a criação do [Kaizen Digital]. Permitiu obter, semanalmente, a “Percentagem do Plano Concluído” – (PPC), e a “Taxa de Cumprimento Semanal” - (TCS) das tarefas planeadas em cada semana. Permitiu, também, a monitorização e balizamento das tarefas, bem como a identificação das causas e efeitos do não cumprimento das mesmas. No Asprela Domus III foi, também, possível executar a modelação da estrutura, com recurso ao software REVIT, e a criação do plano de implantação dos negativos para as redes pluviais. Com isto foram implementados procedimentos de melhoria para a execução da superestrutura em betão armado, bem como na agilização da marcação dos negativos nas paredes de contenção.
This dissertation is the result of the internship developed in business environment, of the curricular unit of DIPRE - Dissertation, Project and Internship Report. This curricular internship followed the development of two contracts of Garcia, Garcia Design & Build S.A. (GG), the first one in the finishing stage, following one of the three contracts, the Asprela Domus II, and the second, since the beginning of the Asprela Domus III construction. The main objective of the internship was the follow-up, the updating, and the suggestions of improvement of the Lean tool applied to the construction, as well as the necessary support in the most diverse tasks resulting from a general construction of buildings. As GG in partnership with Kaizen Institute has been implementing in its works the [Last Planner System], through the methodology [Controlo Visual da Obra], this has become an added value for the development of the proposed objectives for this work. This dissertation defines the processes that must be implemented for an effective application of Lean, adjusted to the construction processes, Lean Construction, using the two case studies. It also approaches the way of dynamization of the methodology [Sala Obeya] / [Sala de Reuniões]. During the curricular stage, it was possible in the first case of study, Asprela Domus II, to create a list with the relation of the works in progress in the common areas - "Check List of Common Areas" and the filling, as well as the improvement, of the "Check List of Residential Fractions". It was also possible to act in the maintenance of the [Sala Lean], or [Sala Obeya] existing in work. For the second case study, Asprela Domus III, it was possible to establish the maintenance of the [Sala Obeya] and the creation of [Kaizen Digital]. It allowed to obtain, weekly, the "Percentage of the Concluded Plan" - (PPC), and the "Weekly Fulfillment Rate" - (TCS) of the planned tasks in each week. It also allowed the monitoring and marking of the tasks, as well as the identification of the causes and effects of their non-fulfillment. At Asprela Domus III it was also possible to perform the modeling of the structure, using the software REVIT, and the creation of the implementation plan of the negatives for the pluvial networks. With this, improvement procedures were implemented for the execution of the superstructure in reinforced concrete, as well as in the speeding up of the marking of the negatives in the retaining walls.
This dissertation is the result of the internship developed in business environment, of the curricular unit of DIPRE - Dissertation, Project and Internship Report. This curricular internship followed the development of two contracts of Garcia, Garcia Design & Build S.A. (GG), the first one in the finishing stage, following one of the three contracts, the Asprela Domus II, and the second, since the beginning of the Asprela Domus III construction. The main objective of the internship was the follow-up, the updating, and the suggestions of improvement of the Lean tool applied to the construction, as well as the necessary support in the most diverse tasks resulting from a general construction of buildings. As GG in partnership with Kaizen Institute has been implementing in its works the [Last Planner System], through the methodology [Controlo Visual da Obra], this has become an added value for the development of the proposed objectives for this work. This dissertation defines the processes that must be implemented for an effective application of Lean, adjusted to the construction processes, Lean Construction, using the two case studies. It also approaches the way of dynamization of the methodology [Sala Obeya] / [Sala de Reuniões]. During the curricular stage, it was possible in the first case of study, Asprela Domus II, to create a list with the relation of the works in progress in the common areas - "Check List of Common Areas" and the filling, as well as the improvement, of the "Check List of Residential Fractions". It was also possible to act in the maintenance of the [Sala Lean], or [Sala Obeya] existing in work. For the second case study, Asprela Domus III, it was possible to establish the maintenance of the [Sala Obeya] and the creation of [Kaizen Digital]. It allowed to obtain, weekly, the "Percentage of the Concluded Plan" - (PPC), and the "Weekly Fulfillment Rate" - (TCS) of the planned tasks in each week. It also allowed the monitoring and marking of the tasks, as well as the identification of the causes and effects of their non-fulfillment. At Asprela Domus III it was also possible to perform the modeling of the structure, using the software REVIT, and the creation of the implementation plan of the negatives for the pluvial networks. With this, improvement procedures were implemented for the execution of the superstructure in reinforced concrete, as well as in the speeding up of the marking of the negatives in the retaining walls.
Construção Lean Planeamento [Sala Obeya] Construction [Last Planner System] Planning