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Cada vez mais os professores procuram metodologias inovadoras que impliquem mudanças no quotidiano educativo e permitam que os seus alunos consigam um desenvolvimento escolar e pessoal de acordo com as exigências da sociedade atual. Por toda a Europa os projetos Erasmus+ são impulsionadores de inovação em contexto educativo e torna-se imperativo conhecer as boas práticas e, simultaneamente, compreender para alterar as desvantagens que estes projetos aportam. A dissertação que apresentamos teve por objetivo compreender as perceções de professores, alunos e pais da equipa portuguesa do projeto Erasmus+ Games2Learn&Gamification2Engage sobre a sua participação. Estes professores estiveram dois anos envolvidos em formação sobre metodologias de aprendizagem através de jogos e de gamificação. A formação esteve a cargo de dois investigadores do Centro de Investigação em Educação do Instituto de Educação da Universidade do Minho. A opção metodológica seguida foi qualitativa e interpretativa e um design de estudo de caso. Para a realização deste estudo, realizámos uma revisão sistemática de literatura na base de dados ERIC, da qual resultou o quadro teórico que utilizámos para analisar os três focus group realizados no sentido de responder à nossa questão de investigação. Os resultados permitem concluir que para os professores há a perceção de que o uso de tecnologia em contexto educativo melhora o envolvimento dos alunos, promove a autonomia, a entreajuda e o desenvolvimento de competências transversais. Por outro lado, os professores sentem que o seu próprio papel mudou significativamente. Relativamente aos pais há a perceção de que os maiores ganhos são as mobilidades e o uso dos dispositivos móveis. Quanto aos alunos, o jogo e o uso de tablets são as grandes mais valias. No entanto, os professores sentem que necessitam de mais formação para alterarem definitivamente as suas práticas, e os pais têm preocupações com a previsível falta de continuidade destas iniciativas.
More and more teachers seek innovative methodologies that involve changes in the educational quotidian and allow their students to achieve a school and personal development according to the demands of the current society. Throughout Europe, Erasmus + projects are driving innovation in an educational context, and it is imperative to know the best practices and, at the same time, understand to change the disadvantages that these projects contribute. The dissertation we presented was aimed at understanding the perceptions of teachers, students and parents of the Portuguese team of the Erasmus + Games2Learn & Gamification2Engage project about their participation. These teachers were two years involved in training on learning methodologies through game-based learning and gamification. The training was carried out by two researchers from the Education Research Center of the Education Institute of the University of Minho. The methodological option followed was qualitative and interpretative and a case study design. For this study, we conducted a systematic review of the literature in the ERIC database, which resulted in the theoretical framework we used to analyse the three focus group that were carried out in order to respond to our research question. The results allow us to conclude that for teachers there is a perception that the use of technology in an educational context improves the involvement of students, promotes autonomy, mutual help and the development of transversal competences. On the other hand, teachers feel that their own role has changed significantly. Regarding parents, there is a perception that the greatest gains are the mobilities and the use of mobile devices. As for the students, the game and the use of tablets are the greatest gains. However, teachers feel they need more training to definitively change their practices, and parents have concerns about the predictable lack of continuity of these initiatives.
More and more teachers seek innovative methodologies that involve changes in the educational quotidian and allow their students to achieve a school and personal development according to the demands of the current society. Throughout Europe, Erasmus + projects are driving innovation in an educational context, and it is imperative to know the best practices and, at the same time, understand to change the disadvantages that these projects contribute. The dissertation we presented was aimed at understanding the perceptions of teachers, students and parents of the Portuguese team of the Erasmus + Games2Learn & Gamification2Engage project about their participation. These teachers were two years involved in training on learning methodologies through game-based learning and gamification. The training was carried out by two researchers from the Education Research Center of the Education Institute of the University of Minho. The methodological option followed was qualitative and interpretative and a case study design. For this study, we conducted a systematic review of the literature in the ERIC database, which resulted in the theoretical framework we used to analyse the three focus group that were carried out in order to respond to our research question. The results allow us to conclude that for teachers there is a perception that the use of technology in an educational context improves the involvement of students, promotes autonomy, mutual help and the development of transversal competences. On the other hand, teachers feel that their own role has changed significantly. Regarding parents, there is a perception that the greatest gains are the mobilities and the use of mobile devices. As for the students, the game and the use of tablets are the greatest gains. However, teachers feel they need more training to definitively change their practices, and parents have concerns about the predictable lack of continuity of these initiatives.
Erasmus+ Aprendizagem através de jogos Gamificação Inovação Pedagógica Game-based learning Gamification Pedagogical Innovation
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação