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No cenário moderno de gestão de riscos de segurança cibernética, uma verdade desconfortável é clara: a gestão de riscos cibernéticos numa empresa, de forma a manter arquiteturas e sistemas seguros e em conformidade, está mais difícil do que nunca. Esta gestão passa por um processo contínuo de identificação, análise, avaliação e tratamento das ameaças de segurança cibernética. Quando se trata de gestores de riscos, geralmente segue-se um processo de quatro etapas, começando com a identificação do risco. Em seguida, o risco é avaliado com base na probabilidade de ameaças que exploram essas vulnerabilidades e o potencial impacto. Os riscos são priorizados e categorizados dependendo da estratégia de mitigação existente, na terceira etapa. Por fim, a quarta etapa, monitorização, é estruturada para a resposta ao risco num ambiente em constante mudança. Esta tese tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma aplicação de gestão de risco de vulnerabilidades dos assets encontrados numa topologia de rede. Esta aplicação web tem por base a framework Flask e o uso da ferramenta open-source Nmap, para a realização da deteção dos assets e todos os serviços que estes incluem. Para a deteção das vulnerabilidades a aplicação conta com uma ligação através de duas APIs, uma para o repositório NVD e outra para o repositório VulDB de forma a identificar as vulnerabilidades existentes de cada serviço encontrado. Toda a informação encontrada é guardada numa base de dados com base em SQLite. De notar que o uso do Nmap é proibido por Lei (109/2009) mas se autorizada de forma evidenciava com permissão das partes envolventes, pode ser usado. Os testes efetuados utilizam a ferramenta VirtualBox para simular virtualmente a rede de um hospital virtual criado num outro projeto. Os resultados são por fim detalhados num relatório através da aplicação web.
Este projeto conseguiu de forma bem-sucedida o desenvolvimento de um gestor de risco funcional através de uma aplicação web capaz de mapear uma rede e encontrar os assets com vulnerabilidades. Igualmente bem-sucedida foi a implementação da deteção de vulnerabilidades através de repositórios externos. Por fim esta tese implementou com sucesso uma comparação entre scans de forma a descobrir quais vulnerabilidades foram corrigidas ou que novas vulnerabilidades possam existir em determinados assets. Contudo não foi possível uma implementação com sucesso desta aplicação num projeto já existente usando React. Igualmente não foi realizada uma forma automatizada da realização de scans. Por último, devido aos recursos disponíveis, a rede hospitalar virtual foi bastante reduzida.
In the modern scenario of cybersecurity, one uncomfortable truth is clear, the risk management of a company and/or institution in order to keep all its systems and information secure, is harder than ever. This management goes through a continuous cycle of identification, analysis, evaluation, and treatment of the daily threats. Usually risk management follows four steps, starting by the identification of the risk, then the evaluation of it with the probability of actors exploiting any existing vulnerability and the consequent impact. Given this analysis, the risks are prioritized and categorized depending on the mitigation strategy in place, and finally the last step is the monitorization, in other words, the structure that answers to the risk in an ever-changing environment. This Thesis has as objectives the development of a Risk Management web application that scans all the assets of a given network. This web application uses the framework Flask for its development and the open-source tool Nmap for the asset scanning and all the services running on each live host. For the detection of vulnerabilities, the application has a connection to the repository NVD through an API, and to the repository VulDB through another API, in order to identify all the existing vulnerabilities associated with the services found during the scan. All this information is stored on a SQLite database. According to the Portuguese law (109/2009), the use of the tool Nmap is strictly forbidden but can be authorized for use given the proper permission from the involved parties. The experiments use the virtualization software VirtualBox to simulate a network of a virtual Hospital that was already created in another project. All the results are in the end available as a report through the web application. This project was able to develop a functional risk management web application, capable of scan a network in order to find the vulnerable assets. Equally successful was the implementation of the vulnerability detection through the use of external vulnerability databases. Finally, this thesis successfully implemented a comparation between scans to discover which vulnerabilities have been corrected and which ones appear as new in specific assets. However, it was not possible to integrate in a successful way this application to an already existing project using React. Equally not accomplished was an automated way to schedule periodic scans. Finally, given the available resources, the hospital virtual network was largely reduced.
In the modern scenario of cybersecurity, one uncomfortable truth is clear, the risk management of a company and/or institution in order to keep all its systems and information secure, is harder than ever. This management goes through a continuous cycle of identification, analysis, evaluation, and treatment of the daily threats. Usually risk management follows four steps, starting by the identification of the risk, then the evaluation of it with the probability of actors exploiting any existing vulnerability and the consequent impact. Given this analysis, the risks are prioritized and categorized depending on the mitigation strategy in place, and finally the last step is the monitorization, in other words, the structure that answers to the risk in an ever-changing environment. This Thesis has as objectives the development of a Risk Management web application that scans all the assets of a given network. This web application uses the framework Flask for its development and the open-source tool Nmap for the asset scanning and all the services running on each live host. For the detection of vulnerabilities, the application has a connection to the repository NVD through an API, and to the repository VulDB through another API, in order to identify all the existing vulnerabilities associated with the services found during the scan. All this information is stored on a SQLite database. According to the Portuguese law (109/2009), the use of the tool Nmap is strictly forbidden but can be authorized for use given the proper permission from the involved parties. The experiments use the virtualization software VirtualBox to simulate a network of a virtual Hospital that was already created in another project. All the results are in the end available as a report through the web application. This project was able to develop a functional risk management web application, capable of scan a network in order to find the vulnerable assets. Equally successful was the implementation of the vulnerability detection through the use of external vulnerability databases. Finally, this thesis successfully implemented a comparation between scans to discover which vulnerabilities have been corrected and which ones appear as new in specific assets. However, it was not possible to integrate in a successful way this application to an already existing project using React. Equally not accomplished was an automated way to schedule periodic scans. Finally, given the available resources, the hospital virtual network was largely reduced.
Cybersecurity Application Risk Management Flask API NVD VulDB