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À medida que decorre o tempo, as necessidades da sociedade em relação ao meio envolvente vão se alterando. No que diz respeito à temática da informação não financeira, as empresas reunem esforços, anos após ano, para implementarem nos seus negócios práticas que conduzam à sustentabilidade e à responsabilidade social, já que a informação meramente financeira é, atualmente, insuficiente para corresponder às expectativas das partes interessadas. Assim, o relato não financeiro consiste num fator de crescimento das empresas e de alcançe de vantagem competitiva.
A União Europeia (UE) assume um papel fundamental na tomada de decisão sobre estes assuntos, nomeadamente através da Diretiva Europeia 2014/95/UE, que torna obrigatória a divulgação da informação não financeira por parte das grandes empresas consideradas Entidades de Interesse Público (EIP) e às empresas mãe de um grande grupo cujo número médio de trabalhadores seja superior a 500, à data de encerramento do respetivo balanço. As empresas abrangidas terão, portanto, de divulgar nos seus relatórios informações relativas a aspetos ambientais, sociais, de direitos humanos e de combate à corrupção e tentativa de suborno. Assim, é possível uma maior transparência e comparabilidade da informação entre empresas.
Este estudo visa analisar a divulgação da informação não financeira nas empresas cotadas do setor de energia, em Portugal e França antes e após a obrigatoriedade imposta pela Diretiva 2014/95/UE, entre 2016 (ano anterior à transposição da diretiva no normativo nacional) e 2023 (ano mais recente). A metodologia adotada consiste numa análise qualitativa, nomeadamente uma análise de conteúdo, recorrendo aos relatórios não financeiros (relatórios anuais, relatórios integrados e/ou relatórios de sustentabilidade) divulgados publicamente nos websites das empresas abrangidas. Os resultados indicam que a implementação da Diretiva 2014/95/UE levou a um aumento significativo na transparência e na qualidade das divulgações não financeiras pelas empresas do setor energético.
As time goes by, society's needs in relation to the environment are changing. With regard to the issue of non-financial information, companies are endeavouring year after year to implement practices in their businesses that lead to sustainability and social responsibility, since non-financial information is currently insufficient to meet the expectations of stakeholders. Thus, non-financial reporting is a factor in the growth of companies and the achievement of competitive advantage. The European Union (EU) is playing a key role in decision-making on these issues, specifically through European Directive 2014/95/EU, which makes it compulsory for large companies considered to be Public Interest Entities (PIEs) and the parent companies of a large group with an average number of employees of more than 500, to disclose non-financial information on the closing date of their balance sheet. The companies covered will therefore have to disclose information on environmental, social, human rights and anti-corruption and attempted bribery aspects in their reports. This allows for greater transparency and comparability of information between companies. This study aims to analyse the disclosure of non-financial information in listed companies in the energy sector in Portugal and France before and after the obligation imposed by Directive 2014/95/EU, between 2016 (the year before the directive was transposed into national legislation) and 2023 (the most recent year). The methodology adopted consists of a qualitative analysis, namely a content analysis, using the non-financial reports (anual reports, integrated reports and/or sustainability reports) publicly disclosed on the websites of the companies covered. The results indicate that the implementation of Directive 2014/95/EU has led to a significant increase in the transparency and quality of non-financial disclosures by companies in the energy sector.
As time goes by, society's needs in relation to the environment are changing. With regard to the issue of non-financial information, companies are endeavouring year after year to implement practices in their businesses that lead to sustainability and social responsibility, since non-financial information is currently insufficient to meet the expectations of stakeholders. Thus, non-financial reporting is a factor in the growth of companies and the achievement of competitive advantage. The European Union (EU) is playing a key role in decision-making on these issues, specifically through European Directive 2014/95/EU, which makes it compulsory for large companies considered to be Public Interest Entities (PIEs) and the parent companies of a large group with an average number of employees of more than 500, to disclose non-financial information on the closing date of their balance sheet. The companies covered will therefore have to disclose information on environmental, social, human rights and anti-corruption and attempted bribery aspects in their reports. This allows for greater transparency and comparability of information between companies. This study aims to analyse the disclosure of non-financial information in listed companies in the energy sector in Portugal and France before and after the obligation imposed by Directive 2014/95/EU, between 2016 (the year before the directive was transposed into national legislation) and 2023 (the most recent year). The methodology adopted consists of a qualitative analysis, namely a content analysis, using the non-financial reports (anual reports, integrated reports and/or sustainability reports) publicly disclosed on the websites of the companies covered. The results indicate that the implementation of Directive 2014/95/EU has led to a significant increase in the transparency and quality of non-financial disclosures by companies in the energy sector.
Divulgação de informação não financeira Diretiva 2014/95/UE Setor de energia Relatório não financeiro Non-financial disclosure Directive 2014/95/EU Non-financial reporting Energy sector