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O Acolhimento Familiar assume em Portugal uma expressão reduzida, num sistema de protecção das crianças
excessivamente centrado na colocação em instituições, não obstante o discurso político mais recente, defensor da
desinstitucionalização, e a evolução de outros sistemas sociais em diversos países europeus. Este artigo pretende
caracterizar o modelo de Acolhimento Familiar português, destacando, nomeadamente, a sua evolução histórica
mais recente, os conceitos e tipologias que mobiliza, as práticas que manifesta e os desafios que se colocam ao
seu desenvolvimento.
The Foster Care in Portugal takes a reduced expression, in a system of protection of children excessively focused on institutional placements, despite the political discourse more recent, advocate of deinstitutionalization, and the development of other social systems in several European countries. This paper aims to analyze the Portuguese Foster Care model, highlighting in particular its historical evolution latest concepts and typologies that mobilize the practices that expresses, and challenges to its development.
The Foster Care in Portugal takes a reduced expression, in a system of protection of children excessively focused on institutional placements, despite the political discourse more recent, advocate of deinstitutionalization, and the development of other social systems in several European countries. This paper aims to analyze the Portuguese Foster Care model, highlighting in particular its historical evolution latest concepts and typologies that mobilize the practices that expresses, and challenges to its development.
acolhimento familiar protecção infantil quadro legal foster care child care legal framework