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A presença de microplásticos, pesticidas orgânicos persistentes e aditivos de plásticos em
ambientes aquáticos e terrestres representa uma ameaça para o meio ambiente, e também para
a saúde humana. O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver e otimizar um método de
extração e análise para avaliar a presença de diferentes contaminantes em 21 amostras de solo
que foram recolhidas em locais distintos no Parque Natural de Montesinho (PNM), situado na
Região de Trás-os-Montes.
As famílias de contaminantes pesticidas piretróides (Pyr) e organoclorados (OCP), éteres
difenílicos polibromados (PBDE) e policlorobifenilos (PCB) foram estudadas e analisadas por
extração QuEChERS e cromatografia gasosa com detetor de captura de eletrões (GC-ECD).
Todas as amostras foram caracterizadas físico-quimicamente. Os parâmetros analisados foram
pH, humidade e matéria orgânica. Os valores de pH variaram entre 3,88 e 6,79, o teor de
humidade variou entre 3,12 e 28,02% e o teor de matéria orgânica variou entre 0,67 e 3,01%.
Dos 37 contaminantes estudados, 34 apresentaram um bom resultado para a taxa de
recuperação que variou entre 70 a 120%, para o efeito matriz o valor variou entre 1,6 e 10,1%.
Os desvios-padrão relativos dos estudos de repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade foram ≤ 15% e r
> 0,99 para 35 dos compostos. Os limites de quantificação foram de 2,15 a 11,87 µg kg-1
, e os
limites de deteção foram de 0,64 a 3,56 µg kg-1
, dependendo do composto. Os contaminantes,
aldrina, p,p'-DDE, λ-cialotrina, cipermetrina, BDE 154, BDE 100 e PCB 101 foram
quantificados nas amostras de solo.
Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as técnicas analíticas utilizadas apresentaram bom
desempenho na análise simultânea de diversos contaminantes de diferentes famílias, no
entanto, carece de otimizações para seguimento em trabalhos futuros, nomeadamente,
otimizações no processo de extração e limpeza, e análise dos extratos de solo por GC acoplada
a Espectrometria de Massa (GC-MS). Uma vez que o PNM tem uma grande diversidade de
fauna e flora, é muito importante que mais estudos como este sejam feitos de modo a controlar
a presença de contaminantes no solo, uma vez que estes causam vários riscos para a saúde
humana e também para toda a biota do parque.
The presence of microplastics, persistent organic pesticides and plastic additives in aquatic and terrestrial environments represents a threat to the environment, and also to human health. The main goal of this work was to develop and optimize extraction and analysis methods to evaluate the presence of different contaminants in 21 soil samples that were collected in different locations in the Montesinho Natural Park (PNM), located in the Trás-os-Montes Region. The Pyrethroids (Pyr), Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and Organochlorine pesticide (OCP) families of contaminants were studied and analysed by QuEChERS extraction and Gas Chromatography - Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD). All samples were physiochemically characterized. The parameters analysed were pH, moisture and organic matter. The pH values varied between 3.88 and 6.79, the moisture content varied between 3.12 and 28.02% and the organic matter content varied between 0.67% and 3.01%. From the 37 contaminants studied, 34 presented a good result for the recovery that varied between 70 and 120%, for the matrix effect the value range between 1.6 and 10.1. The relative standard deviations from repeatability and reproducibility studies were ≤ 15% and r 2 > 0,99 for 35 compounds. The limits of quantification were from 2.15 to 11.87 µg kg-1 , and the limits of detection were from 0.64 to 3.56 µg kg-1 . The contaminants, aldrin, p,p'-DDE, cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, BDE 154, BDE 100, PCB 101 were quantified in the soil samples. The results obtained showed that the analytical techniques used presented good performance in the simultaneous analysis of several contaminants from different families, however, it lacks optimizations for follow-up in future works, specifically, optimizations in the extraction and clean up process, and analysis of the soil extracts by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Since PNM has a great diversity of fauna and flora, more research like this must be done in order to control the presence of contaminants in the soil, since they cause several hazards to human health and also to all the park's biota.
The presence of microplastics, persistent organic pesticides and plastic additives in aquatic and terrestrial environments represents a threat to the environment, and also to human health. The main goal of this work was to develop and optimize extraction and analysis methods to evaluate the presence of different contaminants in 21 soil samples that were collected in different locations in the Montesinho Natural Park (PNM), located in the Trás-os-Montes Region. The Pyrethroids (Pyr), Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and Organochlorine pesticide (OCP) families of contaminants were studied and analysed by QuEChERS extraction and Gas Chromatography - Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD). All samples were physiochemically characterized. The parameters analysed were pH, moisture and organic matter. The pH values varied between 3.88 and 6.79, the moisture content varied between 3.12 and 28.02% and the organic matter content varied between 0.67% and 3.01%. From the 37 contaminants studied, 34 presented a good result for the recovery that varied between 70 and 120%, for the matrix effect the value range between 1.6 and 10.1. The relative standard deviations from repeatability and reproducibility studies were ≤ 15% and r 2 > 0,99 for 35 compounds. The limits of quantification were from 2.15 to 11.87 µg kg-1 , and the limits of detection were from 0.64 to 3.56 µg kg-1 . The contaminants, aldrin, p,p'-DDE, cyhalothrin, cypermethrin, BDE 154, BDE 100, PCB 101 were quantified in the soil samples. The results obtained showed that the analytical techniques used presented good performance in the simultaneous analysis of several contaminants from different families, however, it lacks optimizations for follow-up in future works, specifically, optimizations in the extraction and clean up process, and analysis of the soil extracts by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Since PNM has a great diversity of fauna and flora, more research like this must be done in order to control the presence of contaminants in the soil, since they cause several hazards to human health and also to all the park's biota.
Microplastics Additives Pesticides GC-ECD Soil