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Actualmente e cada vez mais, são concebidos e utilizados programas de cálculo automático
de Engenharia na realização de projectos de edifícios, que proporcionam aos engenheiros
uma possibilidade avançada e rápida de execução, simulação e análise de edifícios para
estruturas complexas e de elevada dimensão. Contudo, será necessário que os resultados
deverão ser fiáveis de modo a não existirem consequências no comportamento real da
estrutura a longo prazo.
O presente relatório de estágio, refere-se à verificação aos estados limites de utilização
(tensões, fendilhação e deformação) segundo o Eurocódigo 2, de uma estrutura porticada
em betão armado, nomeadamente de um pórtico central pertencente a essa mesma
estrutura recorrendo ao programa de cálculo automático da Autodesk o Robot Structural
Analysis Professional 2014.
O objectivo principal do presente trabalho consiste na comparação de resultados referente
aos estados limites últimos e de utilização, pelos diferentes módulos de dimensionamento
Required e Provided Reinforcement presentes no programa Robot. É destacado no final do
relatório, considerando uma disposição de armadura optada analiticamente para o pórtico,
uma análise comparativa de resultados referente aos estados limites de utilização entre o
comando Typical Reinforcement do módulo Provided Reinforcement e por expressões
analíticas. Refere-se contudo que, o procedimento do método analítico teve como base de
cálculo uma aplicação desenvolvida para a verificação de elementos de betão armado aos
estados limites de utilização segundo o Eurocódigo 2, com o nome de XD-Conserv tendo
sido também comparado os resultados finais do mesmo.
Nowadays and increasingly, are designed and used automatic calculation programs in Engineering to calculate projects of buildings that provide engineers an advanced and fast possibility of execution, simulation and analysis of buildings to complex structures and with high dimension. However, it is necessary that the results should be reliable so that wouldn´t be no consequences in the real behavior of long-term structure. The present internship report, refers the verification of the serviceability limit states (stress; cracking in the concrete and deformation) according to Eurocode 2 a reinforced concrete structure, study in particulary a central portic belong to the same structure using an automatic calculation program of Autodesk, the Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2014. The main objective of this present work is the comparison of the results related to ultimate and service limit state, by using different design modules of dimension such as Required Reinforcement and Provided Reinforcement modules present in the automatic calculation program of Autodesk. At the end of the report, is detached a an analytically reinforcement disposition to the portic, which will be made a comparative analysis of the results, related to the service limit states, the Typical Reinforcement Command present in the module of Provided Reinforcement module and analytical expressions. Refers, however that the procedure of analytical method, was based in an application developed for the verification of reinforced concrete elements to serviceability limit states according to Eurocode 2, named as XD-Conserv which the results of the program has been also compared.
Nowadays and increasingly, are designed and used automatic calculation programs in Engineering to calculate projects of buildings that provide engineers an advanced and fast possibility of execution, simulation and analysis of buildings to complex structures and with high dimension. However, it is necessary that the results should be reliable so that wouldn´t be no consequences in the real behavior of long-term structure. The present internship report, refers the verification of the serviceability limit states (stress; cracking in the concrete and deformation) according to Eurocode 2 a reinforced concrete structure, study in particulary a central portic belong to the same structure using an automatic calculation program of Autodesk, the Robot Structural Analysis Professional 2014. The main objective of this present work is the comparison of the results related to ultimate and service limit state, by using different design modules of dimension such as Required Reinforcement and Provided Reinforcement modules present in the automatic calculation program of Autodesk. At the end of the report, is detached a an analytically reinforcement disposition to the portic, which will be made a comparative analysis of the results, related to the service limit states, the Typical Reinforcement Command present in the module of Provided Reinforcement module and analytical expressions. Refers, however that the procedure of analytical method, was based in an application developed for the verification of reinforced concrete elements to serviceability limit states according to Eurocode 2, named as XD-Conserv which the results of the program has been also compared.
Estados limites de Utilização Robot Structural Analysis Fendilhação Deformação Service limited State Robot Structural Analysis Cracking Deflection