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Esta dissertação tem como objetivo central explorar a perceção de expatriados e
respetivos representantes organizacionais acerca da sua experiência em missões
internacionais (MI). Participaram neste estudo 6 técnicos e 4 representantes
organizacionais, colaboradores de uma empresa multinacional. Os resultados destacaram
uma variedade de motivações, desde o desenvolvimento profissional até a incentivos
financeiros, refletindo a complexidade das decisões de realizar uma MI. As expectativas
dos participantes mostraram-se dualísticas, com um foco na aquisição e na transferência
de conhecimento. Os colaboradores reconheceram que a participação em MI valorizou as
suas competências, tornando-os mais atrativos no mercado de trabalho e impulsionando
as suas carreiras. Relativamente aos impactos, as MI foram vistas como um trampolim
para o desenvolvimento profissional, proporcionando visão estratégica, competências na
tomada de decisões e expansão das suas redes de contatos. Porém, também foram
identificadas dificuldades, como a adaptação cultural, as questões legais e as barreiras
linguísticas, que requerem capacidades de adaptação e resiliência por parte dos
participantes. A análise dos resultados foi comparada com estudos anteriores, revelando
consistência em relação à literatura existente. Este estudo contribui para a compreensão
das MI ao oferecer informação sobre motivações, expectativas, impactos e desafios
sentidos pelos colaboradores expatriados. Além disso, oferece recomendações práticas
para as organizações que desejam preparar os seus colaboradores para desafios
internacionais. As perceções partilhadas pelos participantes fornecem uma visão rica e
diversificada das complexidades das MI, favorecendo o conhecimento existente nesta
This dissertation's central objective is to explore the perception of expatriates and their organizational representatives regarding their experience on international missions (IM). 6 Technicians and 4 organizational representatives, employees of a multinational company, participated in this study. The results highlighted a variety of motivations, from professional development to financial incentives, reflecting the complexity of decisions to undertake an MI. Participants' expectations were dualistic, with a focus on the acquisition and transfer of knowledge. Employees recognized that participating in MI valued their skills, making them more attractive in the job market and boosting their careers. Regarding impacts, MI was seen as a springboard for professional development, providing strategic vision, decision-making skills and expansion of contact networks. However, difficulties were also identified, such as cultural adaptation, legal issues and language barriers, which require adaptation and resilience skills on the part of the participants. The analysis of the results was compared with previous studies, revealing consistency in relation to the existing literature. This study contributes to the understanding of IM by offering information about motivations, expectations, impacts and challenges experienced by expatriate employees. Furthermore, it offers practical recommendations for organizations that want to prepare their employees for international challenges. The perceptions shared by participants provide a rich and diverse view of the complexities of MI, enhancing existing knowledge in this area.
This dissertation's central objective is to explore the perception of expatriates and their organizational representatives regarding their experience on international missions (IM). 6 Technicians and 4 organizational representatives, employees of a multinational company, participated in this study. The results highlighted a variety of motivations, from professional development to financial incentives, reflecting the complexity of decisions to undertake an MI. Participants' expectations were dualistic, with a focus on the acquisition and transfer of knowledge. Employees recognized that participating in MI valued their skills, making them more attractive in the job market and boosting their careers. Regarding impacts, MI was seen as a springboard for professional development, providing strategic vision, decision-making skills and expansion of contact networks. However, difficulties were also identified, such as cultural adaptation, legal issues and language barriers, which require adaptation and resilience skills on the part of the participants. The analysis of the results was compared with previous studies, revealing consistency in relation to the existing literature. This study contributes to the understanding of IM by offering information about motivations, expectations, impacts and challenges experienced by expatriate employees. Furthermore, it offers practical recommendations for organizations that want to prepare their employees for international challenges. The perceptions shared by participants provide a rich and diverse view of the complexities of MI, enhancing existing knowledge in this area.
Missões internacionais Expatriação Aquisição e transferência de conhecimento Impacto na carreira International Missions; expatriation Career impact Knowledge acquisition and transfer