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A recente geopolítica, especialmente fomentada pela globalização e consequente
revolução tecnológica da informação, é alvo da crescente utilização de novas tecnologias
e plataformas digitais. A Internet e as redes sociais vieram transformar a sociedade e o
mundo atual, através de um acesso rápido e facilitado a grandes quantidades de
informação. Isto traduz-se, cada vez mais, em oportunidades para elevar a notoriedade,
exigindo adaptabilidade por parte de vários ramos e setores. Naturalmente, a Indústria de
Entretenimento não foge à regra e o método de consumo e alcance de conteúdos dentro
da área tem vindo a modificar-se.
Com a presente investigação, pretende-se estudar até que ponto a rede social em pico de
ascensão, TikTok, contribui para o processo de viralização de séries da plataforma de
streaming Netflix. A pertinência deste estudo prende-se com o critério associado ao fator
de caraterização dos hábitos e comportamentos dos consumidores e relevância aliada à
compreensão de influência da rede social na Indústria de Entretenimento da atualidade.
Deste modo, foi realizado um levantamento do Estado de Arte, para consolidar
informação, de encontro aos objetivos do estudo. Numa fase posterior à revisão
integrativa da literatura, foi construído o Modelo da digitalização da indústria de
entretenimento e adotada uma metodologia de investigação de natureza quantitativa,
através da realização de um inquérito por questionário online. A utilização deste
instrumento assumiu como objetivo correlacionar variáveis indicativas da recetividade do
consumidor à divulgação de conteúdos de entretenimento ligados às séries da Netflix,
assim como as suas motivações para o uso da rede social TikTok.
Os resultados obtidos permitiram responder aos objetivos propostos, sendo possível
concluir que o TikTok se afirma, efetivamente, como uma rede social com um papel
positivo na promoção da indústria de entretenimento atual, nomeadamente no que diz
respeito ao reconhecimento de séries da plataforma de streaming Netflix.
Recent geopolitics, especially fostered by globalization and the ensuing information technology revolution, is subject to the increasing use of new technologies and digital platforms. The internet and social media have transformed today's society and world through quick and easy access to large amounts of information. This increasingly translates into opportunities to raise awareness, requiring adaptability from various branches and sectors. Naturally, the Entertainment Industry is no exception and the method of consumption and reach of content within the area has been changing. With this research, there is the intend to study to what extent the social media at peak of ascension, TikTok, contributes to the viralization process of series from the Netflix streaming platform. The relevance of this study is related to the criterion associated with the factor of characterization of the habits and behaviors of consumers and relevance allied to the understanding of the influence of the social media in today's Entertainment Industry. In this way, a survey of the State of the Art was carried out, to consolidate information, meeting the objectives of the study. After the integrative literature review, the entertainment industry digitalization model was built and a quantitative research methodology was adopted, through an online questionnaire survey. The use of this instrument aimed to correlate variables indicative of consumer receptivity to the dissemination of entertainment content linked to Netflix series, as well as their motivations for using the TikTok. The results obtained allowed to respond to the proposed objectives, and it is possible to conclude that TikTok effectively affirms itself as a social media with a positive role in promoting the current entertainment industry, namely with regard to the recognition of series from the Netflix streaming platform.
Recent geopolitics, especially fostered by globalization and the ensuing information technology revolution, is subject to the increasing use of new technologies and digital platforms. The internet and social media have transformed today's society and world through quick and easy access to large amounts of information. This increasingly translates into opportunities to raise awareness, requiring adaptability from various branches and sectors. Naturally, the Entertainment Industry is no exception and the method of consumption and reach of content within the area has been changing. With this research, there is the intend to study to what extent the social media at peak of ascension, TikTok, contributes to the viralization process of series from the Netflix streaming platform. The relevance of this study is related to the criterion associated with the factor of characterization of the habits and behaviors of consumers and relevance allied to the understanding of the influence of the social media in today's Entertainment Industry. In this way, a survey of the State of the Art was carried out, to consolidate information, meeting the objectives of the study. After the integrative literature review, the entertainment industry digitalization model was built and a quantitative research methodology was adopted, through an online questionnaire survey. The use of this instrument aimed to correlate variables indicative of consumer receptivity to the dissemination of entertainment content linked to Netflix series, as well as their motivations for using the TikTok. The results obtained allowed to respond to the proposed objectives, and it is possible to conclude that TikTok effectively affirms itself as a social media with a positive role in promoting the current entertainment industry, namely with regard to the recognition of series from the Netflix streaming platform.
TikTok Redes sociais Indústria de entretenimento Netflix Entertainment industry