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Com a globalização da economia e o crescimento dos mercados financeiros, surge cada vez mais a necessidade de obter informação útil e atempada, que permita aos gestores das organizações tomar as melhores decisões para a consecução dos objectivos e para o desenvolvimento de estratégias.
É neste contexto que a auditoria interna assume um papel relevante, indo ao encontro dos interesses dos gestores, na medida em que audita não só os procedimentos relativos ao reporte financeiro, como também todos os outros procedimentos de controlo interno, contribuindo assim para um controlo mais amplo e completo em toda a organização.
O presente trabalho tem como objectivo verificar até que ponto a auditoria interna contribui para uma gestão eficaz das organizações.
Para tal, realizaram-se pesquisas sobre os principais conceitos, funções e procedimentos relacionados com auditoria interna e a sua relação com a gestão das organizações.
Seguidamente, procedeu-se à explicação da metodologia praticada e à exposição do caso empírico, que teve como base a elaboração de dois questionários basicamente semelhantes, que foram enviados às 200 empresas que apresentaram maior Volume de Negócios, retiradas do universo das “1000 MAIORES EMPRESAS” a actuarem no mercado português durante o ano de 2010. Esses questionários tiveram como objectivo cruzar as opiniões de gestores e auditores, a fim de concluir se existe ou não um contributo da auditoria interna para uma gestão eficaz.
Na posse da informação recolhida foi possível ressaltar o contributo da auditoria interna como ferramenta indispensável para uma gestão eficaz, no sentido que procura adequar os custos, aumentar a produtividade, auxiliar no processo de gestão dos riscos e no processo de tomada de decisão, de modo a tornar as organizações mais competitivas e garantindo-lhes um crescimento sustentado.
With the globalization of the economy and the growth of the financial markets, there is an increasingly need for useful and timely information, enabling the management to take the best decisions for the achievement of its goals and for developing strategy. It is in this context that the internal audit plays an important role, meeting the interests of the managers to the extent that it audits not only the procedures related to financial reporting, but also all the other procedures of internal control, thus contributing to a more comprehensive and complete control throughout the organization. This study aims to verify whether the internal audit contributes to an effective management of the organizations. Researches have been conducted on the key concepts, functions and procedures related to internal audit and its relationship with the management. The methodology used is explained and the empirical case presented. The case study was based on the elaboration of two similar questionnaires, which were sent to the 200 companies with the highest turnover, drawn from the universe of the "1000 MAJOR COMPANIES" operating in the Portuguese market during the year 2010. These questionnaires aimed to compare the views of managers and auditors, in order to conclude whether or not there is a contribution of the internal audit for an effective management. With the collected information, it was possible to highlight the contribution of the internal audit as an indispensable tool for an efficient management, in the sense that it tries to adjust costs, to increase productivity, to assist in the process of risk management and in the decision-making process, in order to make the organizations more competitive and ensuring a sustained growth.
With the globalization of the economy and the growth of the financial markets, there is an increasingly need for useful and timely information, enabling the management to take the best decisions for the achievement of its goals and for developing strategy. It is in this context that the internal audit plays an important role, meeting the interests of the managers to the extent that it audits not only the procedures related to financial reporting, but also all the other procedures of internal control, thus contributing to a more comprehensive and complete control throughout the organization. This study aims to verify whether the internal audit contributes to an effective management of the organizations. Researches have been conducted on the key concepts, functions and procedures related to internal audit and its relationship with the management. The methodology used is explained and the empirical case presented. The case study was based on the elaboration of two similar questionnaires, which were sent to the 200 companies with the highest turnover, drawn from the universe of the "1000 MAJOR COMPANIES" operating in the Portuguese market during the year 2010. These questionnaires aimed to compare the views of managers and auditors, in order to conclude whether or not there is a contribution of the internal audit for an effective management. With the collected information, it was possible to highlight the contribution of the internal audit as an indispensable tool for an efficient management, in the sense that it tries to adjust costs, to increase productivity, to assist in the process of risk management and in the decision-making process, in order to make the organizations more competitive and ensuring a sustained growth.
Gestão Controlo interno Auditoria Auditoria interna Management Internal control Audit Internal audit
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto