A realidade aumentada é considerada atualmente como um dos maiores
investimentos para o futuro, não só em Portugal, mas a nível mundial pois prevê-se que
seja uma mais valia no campo do entretenimento, educacional e património. No sentido
desta afirmação, este projeto explora as possibilidades de uma aplicação móvel
utilizando a realidade aumentada com o objetivo de visualizar, utilizando um
smartphone, o estado original de monumentos em ruínas ou já inexistentes da ilha de
São Miguel nos Açores através de modelos 3D desses mesmos monumentos. O foco
principal é o desenvolvimento da aplicação móvel, possibilitando ao utilizador explorar
a ilha e conhecer um pouco mais do seu património e cultura numa experiência em
tempo real. O projeto divide-se em dois caminhos que se interligam - o teórico onde
foram explorados diversos documentos e artigos que demonstram diferentes tipos de
processos de desenvolvimento possíveis para a credibilidade e exequibilidade do
projeto. O outro caminho, o projeto em si, foi dotado de vários processos que ajudaram a
perceber as melhores formas de como desenvolver um protótipo de uma aplicação
móvel, desenhar modelos 3D e com isto recorrer ao reconhecimento de geolocalização
do utilizador de forma a que o monumento seja sempre visualizado mesmo que já não
tenhamos nada como referência do local em questão. Durante todo o procedimento de
desenvolvimento foram identificados alguns pontos-chave para a concretização do
mesmo como o estudo da história dos monumentos, o estado atual da realidade
aumentada e a viabilidade da compatibilidade de tecnologias como a modelação 3D com
o património de um local. A peça final utilizou um fluxo de trabalho que desencadeou
algumas questões ao longo do processo e também propostas para futuros novos
Augmented reality is currently considered one of the biggest investments for the future, not only in Portugal, but worldwide and it is expected to be a big asset for the entertainment, education and heritage fields. With this statement, this project explores the possibilities of a mobile application using augmented reality in order to visualize, using a smartphone, the original state of destroyed or nonexistent monuments on the island of São Miguel in the Azores through 3D models of these same monuments. The main focus is the development of the mobile application, allowing the user to explore the island and learn more about its heritage and culture with a real time experience. The project is divided into two interconnecting paths - the theoretical one, where several documents and articles were explored that demonstrate different types of possible developments for the credibility and feasibility of the project. The other path, the project itself, was endowed with several processes that helped understand the best ways on how to develop a prototype of a mobile application, design 3D models and with this resort to the user's geolocation recognition so that the monument is always displayed even if it does no longer have anything as a reference for the location in question. Throughout the development procedure, some key points for its realization were identified, such as the study of the history of monuments, the current state of augmented reality and the feasibility of the compatibility of technologies such as 3D modeling with the heritage of a place. The final piece used a workflow that triggered some questions throughout the process and also proposals for future new developments.
Augmented reality is currently considered one of the biggest investments for the future, not only in Portugal, but worldwide and it is expected to be a big asset for the entertainment, education and heritage fields. With this statement, this project explores the possibilities of a mobile application using augmented reality in order to visualize, using a smartphone, the original state of destroyed or nonexistent monuments on the island of São Miguel in the Azores through 3D models of these same monuments. The main focus is the development of the mobile application, allowing the user to explore the island and learn more about its heritage and culture with a real time experience. The project is divided into two interconnecting paths - the theoretical one, where several documents and articles were explored that demonstrate different types of possible developments for the credibility and feasibility of the project. The other path, the project itself, was endowed with several processes that helped understand the best ways on how to develop a prototype of a mobile application, design 3D models and with this resort to the user's geolocation recognition so that the monument is always displayed even if it does no longer have anything as a reference for the location in question. Throughout the development procedure, some key points for its realization were identified, such as the study of the history of monuments, the current state of augmented reality and the feasibility of the compatibility of technologies such as 3D modeling with the heritage of a place. The final piece used a workflow that triggered some questions throughout the process and also proposals for future new developments.
Trabalho de projeto
Aplicação móvel Realidade aumentada 3D Património Cultura Ilha de São Miguel Mobile app Augmented reality Heritage Culture São Miguel Island