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A produção musical religiosa do século XVIII do arquipélago dos Açores é um domínio muito pouco estudado. É reduzido o conhecimento das práticas musicais, vocais e instrumentais, promovidas nos vários mosteiros do arquipélago. É igualmente diminuto o conhecimento dos compositores açorianos, de música sacra neste período. A Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional de Ponta Delgada contém uma Coleção de Manuscritos Musicais (COL/MSM), pertença de várias instituições religiosas de Ponta Delgada, constituída maioritariamente por obras sacras de géneros diversos, para vozes solistas com baixo contínuo, e para vozes solistas e ensembles. A Coleção tem também, obras profanas todas instrumentais. Muitas destas obras são de autoria anónima, mas as restantes estão assinadas por compositores portugueses, tais como Marcos Portugal, José Joaquim dos Santos, Luciano Xavier dos Santos, António Leal Moreira e Frei Jerónimo Francisco de Lima, José João Baldi, e estrangeiros, como Luigi Boccherini, David Perez e Maddalena Sirmen, entre outros. Neste contexto, esta dissertação de mestrado consiste na elaboração do catálogo da Coleção, precedido de uma contextualização da Coleção no que se refere às instituições de onde provém, às suas proprietárias, às diversas tipologias musicais que a compõem e aos compositores identificados.
The religious musical production of the 18th century in the archipelago of the Azores is a very little studied field. The knowledge of the musical, vocal and instrumental practices is very reduced in the various monasteries in the archipelago. Equally scarce is the knowledge of Azorean composers of sacred music from this period. The Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional de Ponta Delgada (Public Library and Regional Archive of Ponta Delgada) holds a Collection of Musical Manuscripts (COL/MSM) belonging to various religious institutions of Ponta Delgada, consisting mainly of sacred works of various genres, for soloist voices with basso continuo, and for soloist voices and ensembles. The Collection also has profane works, all of them instrumental. Many of these pieces are from anonymous authorship, but others are signed by Portuguese composers, like Marcos Portugal, José Joaquim dos Santos, Luciano Xavier dos Santos, António Leal Moreira and Frei Jerónimo Francisco de Lima, José João Baldi, and by some foreign composers, such as Luigi Boccherini, David Perez and Maddalena Sirmen, among others. In this context, this master’s thesis consists of drawing up a catalogue of the Collection, preceded by a contextualization of the Collection in terms of the institutions from which it comes, its owners, the different musical typologies it includes, and the composers identified.
The religious musical production of the 18th century in the archipelago of the Azores is a very little studied field. The knowledge of the musical, vocal and instrumental practices is very reduced in the various monasteries in the archipelago. Equally scarce is the knowledge of Azorean composers of sacred music from this period. The Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional de Ponta Delgada (Public Library and Regional Archive of Ponta Delgada) holds a Collection of Musical Manuscripts (COL/MSM) belonging to various religious institutions of Ponta Delgada, consisting mainly of sacred works of various genres, for soloist voices with basso continuo, and for soloist voices and ensembles. The Collection also has profane works, all of them instrumental. Many of these pieces are from anonymous authorship, but others are signed by Portuguese composers, like Marcos Portugal, José Joaquim dos Santos, Luciano Xavier dos Santos, António Leal Moreira and Frei Jerónimo Francisco de Lima, José João Baldi, and by some foreign composers, such as Luigi Boccherini, David Perez and Maddalena Sirmen, among others. In this context, this master’s thesis consists of drawing up a catalogue of the Collection, preceded by a contextualization of the Collection in terms of the institutions from which it comes, its owners, the different musical typologies it includes, and the composers identified.
Coleção de manuscritos musicais Música sacra Arquivo Regional de Ponta Delgada Catálogo Collection of musical manuscripts Sacred music Regional Archive of Ponta Delgada Catalogue