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O presente estudo visa compreender, na perspetiva dos colaboradores, quais as estratégias mais adequadas à retenção de talentos nos setores de IT e Hoteleiro. Para tal, procurou-se responder à seguinte questão de investigação: “Quais os fatores de retenção mais valorizados pelos colaboradores do setor de IT e do setor Hoteleiro?”. Especificamente, pretende-se (1) identificar, na perspetiva dos colaboradores, as práticas de retenção de talento utilizadas em ambos os setores; (2) identificar as diferenças relativamente ao que os colaboradores do setor de IT e do setor Hoteleiro consideram importante na retenção de talentos; (3) identificar, na perspetiva dos colaboradores, os benefícios do uso das práticas de retenção de talento nos setores de IT e Hoteleiro e (4) identificar os desafios associados às estratégias de retenção adotadas nos setores de IT e Hoteleiro. Para a realização deste estudo, privilegiou-se uma abordagem quantitativa, utilizando o inquérito por questionário como técnica de recolha de informação. Na totalidade, participaram neste estudo 91 inquiridos do setor de IT e 86 inquiridos do setor hoteleiro. Os resultados sugerem que, no setor de IT, verifica-se uma predominância de colaboradores a concordar totalmente com a remuneração, o work life balance e a cultura e clima organizacional das suas empresas, enquanto que, no setor hoteleiro, concordam de forma parcial, sendo necessário melhorias nestas práticas para este setor. Contudo, verifica-se bastantes similaridades, pois para ambos os setores, são necessárias melhorias no reconhecimento, progressão de carreira, formação e estilo de liderança. São apontados como desafios na retenção a concorrência com outras empresas, os benefícios concedidos e as condições de trabalho. Apostar em práticas eficientes promove a satisfação dos colaboradores, melhora a relação entre a chefia e os colaboradores e reduz-se os custos com na contratação e formação. No final deste estudo, são apresentadas algumas limitações e pistas de investigação futura.
This study aims to understand, from the perspective of employees, which strategies are best suited to retaining talent in the IT and Hotel sectors. To this end, we sought to answer the following research question: ‘Which retention factors are most valued by employees in the IT and Hotel sectors?’. Specifically, the aim is to (1) identify, from the employees‘ perspective, the talent retention practices used in both sectors; (2) identify the differences between what employees in the IT sector and the hotel sector consider important in retaining talent; (3) identify, from the employees’ perspective, the benefits of using talent retention practices in the IT and hospitality sectors and (4) identify the challenges associated with the retention strategies adopted in the IT and hospitality sectors. In order to carry out this study, a quantitative approach was favoured, using the questionnaire survey as the information gathering technique. A total of 91 respondents from the IT sector and 86 respondents from the hotel sector took part in this study. The results suggest that, in the IT sector, there is a predominance of employees who totally agree with their company's remuneration, work life balance and organizational culture and climate, while in the hotel sector they partially agree, and improvements in these practices are needed for this sector. However, there are many similarities in that both sectors need improvements in recognition, career progression, training and leadership style. Challenges to retention include competition with other companies, the benefits offered and working conditions. Investing in efficient practices promotes employee satisfaction, improves the relationship between management and employees and reduces hiring and training costs. At the end of this study, some limitations and avenues for future research are presented.
This study aims to understand, from the perspective of employees, which strategies are best suited to retaining talent in the IT and Hotel sectors. To this end, we sought to answer the following research question: ‘Which retention factors are most valued by employees in the IT and Hotel sectors?’. Specifically, the aim is to (1) identify, from the employees‘ perspective, the talent retention practices used in both sectors; (2) identify the differences between what employees in the IT sector and the hotel sector consider important in retaining talent; (3) identify, from the employees’ perspective, the benefits of using talent retention practices in the IT and hospitality sectors and (4) identify the challenges associated with the retention strategies adopted in the IT and hospitality sectors. In order to carry out this study, a quantitative approach was favoured, using the questionnaire survey as the information gathering technique. A total of 91 respondents from the IT sector and 86 respondents from the hotel sector took part in this study. The results suggest that, in the IT sector, there is a predominance of employees who totally agree with their company's remuneration, work life balance and organizational culture and climate, while in the hotel sector they partially agree, and improvements in these practices are needed for this sector. However, there are many similarities in that both sectors need improvements in recognition, career progression, training and leadership style. Challenges to retention include competition with other companies, the benefits offered and working conditions. Investing in efficient practices promotes employee satisfaction, improves the relationship between management and employees and reduces hiring and training costs. At the end of this study, some limitations and avenues for future research are presented.
Recursos humanos Retenção Talento Setor de IT Setor hoteleiro Human resources Retention Hospitality sector Talent IT Sector