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Actualmente a humanidade depara-se com um dos grandes desafios que é o de efectivar a transição para um futuro sustentável. Logo, o sector da energia tem um papel chave neste processo de transição, com principal destaque para a energia solar, tendo em conta que é uma das fontes de energias renováveis mais promissoras, podendo no médiolongo prazo, tornar-se uma das principais fontes de energia no panorama energético dos países.
A energia solar térmica de concentração (CSP), apesar não ser ainda conhecida em Portugal, possui um potencial relevante em regiões específicas do nosso território. Logo, o objectivo deste trabalho é efectuar uma análise detalhada dos sistemas solares de concentração para produção de energia eléctrica, abordando temas, tais como, o potencial da energia solar, a definição do processo de concentração solar, a descrição das tecnologias existentes, o estado da arte do CSP, mercado CSP no mundo, e por último, a análise da viabilidade técnico-económica da instalação de uma central tipo torre solar de 20 MW, em Portugal. Para que este objectivo fosse exequível, recorreu-se à utilização de um software de simulação termodinâmica de centrais CSP, denominado por Solar Advisor Model (SAM). O caso prático foi desenvolvido para a cidade de Faro, onde foram simuladas quatro configurações distintas para uma central do tipo torre solar de 20 MW. Foram apresentados resultados, focando a desempenho diário e anual da central. Foi efectuada uma análise para avaliação da influência da variabilidade dos parâmetros, localização geográfica, múltiplo solar, capacidade de armazenamento de calor e fracção de hibridização sobre o custo nivelado da energia (LCOE), o factor de capacidade e a produção anual de energia. Conjuntamente, é apresentada uma análise de sensibilidade, com a finalidade de averiguar quais os parâmetros que influenciam de forma mais predominante o valor do LCOE. Por último, é apresentada uma análise de viabilidade económica de um investimento deste tipo.
Currently humanity is faced with a major challenge which is to effect the transition to a sustainable future. Therefore, the energy sector has a key role in this transition process, with the main focus on solar energy, taking into account that it is a source of renewable energy most promising and could in the medium-long term, become a major energy sources in the energy mix of countries. The concentrated solar power (CSP), although not yet known in Portugal, has a significant potential in specific regions of our territory. Therefore, the goal of this work is to perform a detailed analysis of solar concentration systems for electricity production, covering topics such as the potential of solar energy, the concentration of solar process definition, description of existing technologies, the CSP state of art, CSP world market, and lastly, the analysis of the technical and economic feasibility of installing a solar tower central of 20 MW, in Portugal. For this goal was achievable, resorted to the use of a CSP central thermodynamic simulation software, denominated by Solar Advisor Model (SAM). The case study was developed for the city of Faro, where four different configurations were simulated for a solar tower central of 20 MW. Results were presented, focusing on the daily and annual performance of the plant. Analysis was performed to evaluate the influence of variability of parameters, geographic location, multiple solar, heat storage capacity and hybridization fraction, on the levelized cost of energy (LCOE), the capacity factor and annual energy production. Together, presents a sensitivity analysis, in order to determine which parameters influence more prevalent the value of LCOE. Finally, is shown an analysis of the economic viability of an investment this type.
Currently humanity is faced with a major challenge which is to effect the transition to a sustainable future. Therefore, the energy sector has a key role in this transition process, with the main focus on solar energy, taking into account that it is a source of renewable energy most promising and could in the medium-long term, become a major energy sources in the energy mix of countries. The concentrated solar power (CSP), although not yet known in Portugal, has a significant potential in specific regions of our territory. Therefore, the goal of this work is to perform a detailed analysis of solar concentration systems for electricity production, covering topics such as the potential of solar energy, the concentration of solar process definition, description of existing technologies, the CSP state of art, CSP world market, and lastly, the analysis of the technical and economic feasibility of installing a solar tower central of 20 MW, in Portugal. For this goal was achievable, resorted to the use of a CSP central thermodynamic simulation software, denominated by Solar Advisor Model (SAM). The case study was developed for the city of Faro, where four different configurations were simulated for a solar tower central of 20 MW. Results were presented, focusing on the daily and annual performance of the plant. Analysis was performed to evaluate the influence of variability of parameters, geographic location, multiple solar, heat storage capacity and hybridization fraction, on the levelized cost of energy (LCOE), the capacity factor and annual energy production. Together, presents a sensitivity analysis, in order to determine which parameters influence more prevalent the value of LCOE. Finally, is shown an analysis of the economic viability of an investment this type.
Energias Renováveis Energia Solar Termoeléctrica de Concentração (CSP) Tecnologia de Torre Solar Renewable Energy Concentrated Thermoelectric Solar Power (CSP) Solar Tower Technology