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No presente trabalho procura-se evidenciar algumas soluções para aplicação de simulação
estocástica num contexto de gestão dos ativos, aplicado a um sistema de abastecimento de
água, tirando partido da informação disponível sobre a manutenção que vem realizando,
ao longo dos anos. Procura-se também descrever como estas metodologias podem ser
aplicadas noutros casos, futuramente, beneficiando ainda da recolha de informação de
colaboradores da empresa, com experiência no cargo e com elevado conhecimento do
funcionamento das infraestruturas.
A simulação estocástica é uma área cujas ferramentas podem dar uma preciosa ajuda no
processo de tomada de decisão. Por outro lado, as organizações preocupam-se, cada vez
mais, com o tema da gestão de ativos e com os custos a si associados, começando a
investir mais tempo e dinheiro nessa matéria com o objetivo de delinearem estratégias
para aumentar o período de vida útil dos seus ativos e otimizarem os seus investimentos
de renovação. Nesse contexto, evidencia-se que um adequado plano de intervenções de
manutenção e operação é uma boa metodologia, para garantir a redução de falhas no
sistema de abastecimento de uma empresa desse setor, bem como garantir que as
infraestruturas se encontram em condições de funcionamento. Contudo, esta abordagem
tradicional não será suficiente para garantir as melhores práticas e os objetivos que se
pretendem alcançar com uma gestão de ativos atual.
O trabalho inclui, ainda, um estudo de caso com que se aplicaram as ferramentas
estudadas a um caso real de um grupo de bombagem, de uma das Estações Elevatórias da
In the present work seeks-if highlight some solutions for simulation stochastic application in the context of asset management of a water supply company, in high, taking advantage of available information on the maintenance that has been performing over the years, in some pumping equipments in your system. Search also to describe how these methods could be applied in other cases, in the future, also benefit from gathering information from company employees with experience in office and high knowledge of the operation of infrastructure. The stochastic simulation is an area which tools can provide valuable assistance in the process of decision making. On the other hand, the companies are concerned, more and more, with the theme of asset management and about the costs associated them, beginning to invest more time and money in this area, with the objective to define strategies to increase the the useful life of its assets and optimize their investments for renewal. In this context, it appears that an appropriate plan of maintenance and operation is a good methodology, to ensure the reduction of failures in the water supply system of a company, as well as ensuring that infrastructures are in working condition. Nevertheless, this traditional approach not is enough to ensure the best practices and the objectives to be achieved with a current asset management. This work includes, therefore, a case of study that applied the tools to a real case of a pumping unit, one of the pumping stations of the company.
In the present work seeks-if highlight some solutions for simulation stochastic application in the context of asset management of a water supply company, in high, taking advantage of available information on the maintenance that has been performing over the years, in some pumping equipments in your system. Search also to describe how these methods could be applied in other cases, in the future, also benefit from gathering information from company employees with experience in office and high knowledge of the operation of infrastructure. The stochastic simulation is an area which tools can provide valuable assistance in the process of decision making. On the other hand, the companies are concerned, more and more, with the theme of asset management and about the costs associated them, beginning to invest more time and money in this area, with the objective to define strategies to increase the the useful life of its assets and optimize their investments for renewal. In this context, it appears that an appropriate plan of maintenance and operation is a good methodology, to ensure the reduction of failures in the water supply system of a company, as well as ensuring that infrastructures are in working condition. Nevertheless, this traditional approach not is enough to ensure the best practices and the objectives to be achieved with a current asset management. This work includes, therefore, a case of study that applied the tools to a real case of a pumping unit, one of the pumping stations of the company.
Simulação estocástica Análise de decisão Gestão de ativos Gestão de risco Abastecimento de água Stochastic simulation Decision analysis Asset management Risk management Water supply
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto