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O presente trabalho enquadra-se na área das redes de computadores, fazendo referência
aos protocolos e ao conjunto de equipamentos e softwares necessários para a administração,
controlo e monitorização desse tipos de infra-estruturas. Para a gestão de uma rede de dados, é
essencial dispor de conhecimentos e documentação de nível técnico para representar da forma mais
fiel possível a configuração da rede, seguindo passo a passo a interligação entre os equipamentos
existentes e oferecendo assim uma visão o mais fidedigna possível das instalações.
O protocolo SNMP é utilizado em larga escala sendo praticamente um standard para a
administração de redes baseadas na tecnologia TCP/IP. Este protocolo define a comunicação entre
um administrador e um agente, estabelecendo o formato e o significado das mensagens trocadas
entre ambos. Tem a capacidade de suportar produtos de diferentes fabricantes, permitindo ao
administrador manter uma base de dados com informações relevantes da monitorização de vários
equipamentos, que pode ser consultada e analisada por softwares NMS concebidos especialmente
para a gestão de redes de computadores.
O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação teve como objectivo desenvolver uma ferramenta
para apoiar à gestão da infra-estrutura de comunicações do Aeroporto Francisco Sá Carneiro que
permitisse conhecer em tempo real o estado dos elementos de rede, ajudar no diagnóstico de
possíveis problemas e ainda apoiar a tarefa de planeamento e expansão da rede instalada.
A ferramenta desenvolvida utiliza as potencialidades do protocolo SNMP para adquirir
dados de monitorização de equipamentos de rede presentes na rede do AFSC, disponibilizando-os
numa interface gráfica para facilitar a visualização dos parâmetros e alertas de funcionamento mais
importantes na administração da rede.
The work presented in this thesis fits in the area of computer networks, more precisely in the set of protocols, equipment and software required for the administration, control and monitoring of this type of infrastructure. Efficient management of a data network, requires knowledge and technical documentation to represent as faithfully as possible the network architecture and configuration, enabling a real view about the facilities. The SNMP protocol is used on a large scale and is practically a standard for managing networks based on the TCP/IP technology. This protocol defines the communication between a manager and an agent, establishing the format and meaning of messages exchanged between them. It has the ability to support products from different manufacturers, allowing the administrator to maintain a database of relevant information from various monitoring equipments, which can be viewed and analyzed using an NMS software designed especially for the management of computer networks. The work presented in this thesis aimed to develop a tool to support the management of the communications infrastructure in Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport, allowing real time information on the status of network elements, helping diagnosing potential problems and still support the task of planning the expansion of the installed network. The tool developed uses the capabilities of the SNMP protocol to acquire data from monitored devices in the Airport´s network of the, making it available in a graphical interface for an easy analysis of parameters and most important alerts in the network administration.
The work presented in this thesis fits in the area of computer networks, more precisely in the set of protocols, equipment and software required for the administration, control and monitoring of this type of infrastructure. Efficient management of a data network, requires knowledge and technical documentation to represent as faithfully as possible the network architecture and configuration, enabling a real view about the facilities. The SNMP protocol is used on a large scale and is practically a standard for managing networks based on the TCP/IP technology. This protocol defines the communication between a manager and an agent, establishing the format and meaning of messages exchanged between them. It has the ability to support products from different manufacturers, allowing the administrator to maintain a database of relevant information from various monitoring equipments, which can be viewed and analyzed using an NMS software designed especially for the management of computer networks. The work presented in this thesis aimed to develop a tool to support the management of the communications infrastructure in Francisco Sá Carneiro Airport, allowing real time information on the status of network elements, helping diagnosing potential problems and still support the task of planning the expansion of the installed network. The tool developed uses the capabilities of the SNMP protocol to acquire data from monitored devices in the Airport´s network of the, making it available in a graphical interface for an easy analysis of parameters and most important alerts in the network administration.
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto