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Esta investigação aborda as preocupações dos jovens adultos relativamente à privacidade
online no contexto das redes sociais. Com o aumento exponencial do uso da internet e das
plataformas sociais, a questão da privacidade tornou-se um tema central e de grande
relevância para esta faixa etária, que abrange indivíduos dos 18 aos 40 anos. O estudo foca se na perceção e nas preocupações dos jovens sobre a privacidade online, bem como essas
preocupações influenciam os seus comportamentos e decisões no ambiente digital.
A investigação está estruturada em quatro capítulos principais. O primeiro capítulo explora
o enquadramento teórico, onde são analisados os principais conceitos e teorias relacionados
com a privacidade online e a sua evolução na era digital. O segundo capítulo descreve a
metodologia de investigação utilizada, detalhando os métodos e técnicas aplicados para a
recolha de dados. No terceiro capítulo, são apresentados e discutidos os resultados obtidos
através de questionários, e, por fim, o quarto capítulo apresenta as conclusões finais, as
limitações do estudo e sugestões para futuras investigações.
Os dados foram recolhidos através da aplicação de um questionário, com o objetivo de
compreender melhor as atitudes e comportamentos dos jovens adultos face à privacidade nas
redes sociais. A análise revelou que os jovens adultos preocupam-se com a privacidade
online, mas continuam a usar ativamente as redes sociais, influenciando e sendo
influenciados pelas estratégias de marketing das marcas.
Em suma, esta dissertação contribui para uma compreensão mais aprofundada das
preocupações dos jovens adultos em relação à privacidade online, sublinhando a importância
de estratégias eficazes de proteção de dados e da promoção de comportamentos conscientes
nas redes sociais.
This investigation addresses the concerns of young adults regarding online privacy in the context of social networks. With the exponential increase in the use of the internet and social platforms, the issue of privacy has become a central and highly relevant topic for this age group, which includes individuals from 18 to 40 years old. The study focuses on perception and concerns of young people about online privacy, as well as how these concerns influence their behaviors and decisions in the digital environment. The investigation is structured into four main chapters. The first chapter explores the theoretical framework, analyzing the main concepts and theories related to online privacy and its evolution in the digital age. The second chapter describes the research methodology used, detailing the methods and techniques applied for data collection. In the third chapter, the results obtained through questionnaires are presented and discussed, and finally, the fourth chapter presents the final conclusions, the study's limitations, and suggestions for future research. Data were collected through the application of a questionnaire with the aim of better understanding the attitudes and behaviors of young adults regarding privacy on social networks. The analysis revealed that young adults are concerned about online privacy but continue to actively use social networks, influencing and being influenced by brands' marketing strategies. In summary, this dissertation contributes to a deeper understanding of young adults' concerns about online privacy, highlighting the importance of effective data protection strategies and the promotion of conscious behaviors on social networks.
This investigation addresses the concerns of young adults regarding online privacy in the context of social networks. With the exponential increase in the use of the internet and social platforms, the issue of privacy has become a central and highly relevant topic for this age group, which includes individuals from 18 to 40 years old. The study focuses on perception and concerns of young people about online privacy, as well as how these concerns influence their behaviors and decisions in the digital environment. The investigation is structured into four main chapters. The first chapter explores the theoretical framework, analyzing the main concepts and theories related to online privacy and its evolution in the digital age. The second chapter describes the research methodology used, detailing the methods and techniques applied for data collection. In the third chapter, the results obtained through questionnaires are presented and discussed, and finally, the fourth chapter presents the final conclusions, the study's limitations, and suggestions for future research. Data were collected through the application of a questionnaire with the aim of better understanding the attitudes and behaviors of young adults regarding privacy on social networks. The analysis revealed that young adults are concerned about online privacy but continue to actively use social networks, influencing and being influenced by brands' marketing strategies. In summary, this dissertation contributes to a deeper understanding of young adults' concerns about online privacy, highlighting the importance of effective data protection strategies and the promotion of conscious behaviors on social networks.
Privacidade online Redes sociais Jovens adultos Proteção de dados Online privacy Data protection Social platforms Young adults