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A Sensitivity Analysis of PSO Parameters Solving the P2P Electricity Market Problem
Publication . Vieira, Miguel; Faia, Ricardo; Lezama, Fernando; Canizes, Bruno; Vale, Zita
Energy community markets have emerged to promote prosumers' active participation and empowerment in the electrical power system. These initiatives allow prosumers to transact electricity locally without an intermediary such as an aggregator. However, it is necessary to implement optimization methods that determine the best transactions within the energy community, obtaining the best solution under these models. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) fits this type of problem well because it allows reaching results in short optimization times. Furthermore, applying this metaheuristic to the problem is easy compared to other available optimization tools. In this work, we provide a sensitivity analysis of the impact of different parameters of PSO in solving an energy community market problem. As a result, the combination of parameters that lead to the best results is obtained, demonstrating the effectiveness of PSO solving different case studies.
Intraday Energy Resource Scheduling for Load Aggregators Considering Local Market
Publication . Almeida, José; Soares, João; Canizes, Bruno; Razo-Zapata, Ivan; Vale, Zita
Demand response (DR) programs and local markets (LM) are two suitable technologies to mitigate the high penetration of distributed energy resources (DER) that is vastly increasing even during the current pandemic in the world. It is intended to improve operation by incorporating such mechanisms in the energy resource management problem while mitigating the present issues with Smart Grid (SG) technologies and optimization techniques. This paper presents an efficient intraday energy resource management starting from the day-ahead time horizon, which considers load uncertainty and implements both DR programs and LM trading to reduce the operating costs of three load aggregator in an SG. A random perturbation was used to generate the intraday scenarios from the day-ahead time horizon. A recent evolutionary algorithm HyDE-DF, is used to achieve optimization. Results show that the aggregators can manage consumption and generation resources, including DR and power balance compensation, through an implemented LM.
DSO Contract Market for Demand Response Using Evolutionary Computation
Publication . Lacerda, Eduardo; Lezama, Fernando; Soares, João; Vale, Zita
In this article, a cost optimization problem in local energy markets is analyzed considering fixed-term flexibility contracts between the DSO and aggregators. The DSO procures flexibility while aggregators of different types (e.g., conventional demand response or thermo-load aggregators) offer the service. We solve the proposed model using evolutionary algorithms based on the well-known differential evolution (DE). First, a parameter-tuning analysis is done to assess the impact of the DE parameters on the quality of solutions to the problem. Later, after finding the best set of parameters for the "tuned" DE strategies, we compare their performance with other self-adaptive parameter algorithms, namely the HyDE, HyDE-DF, and vortex search algorithms. Results show that with the identification of the best set of parameters to be used for each strategy, the tuned DE versions lead to better results than the other tested EAs. Overall, the algorithms are able to find near-optimal solutions to the problem and can be considered an alternative solver for more complex instances of the model.
Energy Resource Scheduling Optimization for Smart Power Distribution Grids - Hour-Ahead Horizon
Publication . Canizes, Bruno; Soares, João; Almeida, José; Paris, Wanderley; Vale, Zita
As the use of renewable energy sources grows, the energy aggregator company plays an increasingly significant role in ensuring extremely flexible supply and demand, as requested by the smart grid architecture. This study presents a model for the problem of intraday energy resource scheduling (hour-ahead). The model is solved using the CPLEX solver and is developed as mixed integer linear programming. A distribution network with 180 buses located in Portugal considering high distributed energy resources penetration is used to demonstrate the application of the proposed model. The findings indicate how forecast errors and contractual restrictions with energy storage systems and electric car charging stations affect hour-ahead scheduling costs.
Joint Optimal Allocation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations and Renewable Energy Sources Including CO2 Emissions
Publication . Lima, Tayenne Dias de; Franco, John F.; Lezama, Fernando; Soares, João; Vale, Zita
In the coming years, several transformations in the transport sector are expected, associated with the increase in electric vehicles (EVs). These changes directly impact electrical distribution systems (EDSs), introducing new challenges in their planning and operation. One way to assist in the desired integration of this technology is to allocate EV charging stations (EVCSs). Efforts have been made towards the development of EVCSs, with the ability to recharge the vehicle at a similar time than conventional vehicle filling stations. Besides, EVs can bring environmental benefits by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, depending on the energy matrix of the country in which the EVs fleet circulates, there may be indirect emissions of polluting gases. Therefore, the development of this technology must be combined with the growth of renewable generation. Thus, this proposal aims to develop a mathematical model that includes EVs integration in the distribution system. To this end, a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model is proposed to solve the allocation problem of EVCSs including renewable energy sources. The model addresses the environmental impact and uncertainties associated with demand (conventional and EVs) and renewable generation. Moreover, an EV charging forecast method is proposed, subject to the uncertainties related to the driver's behavior, the energy required by these vehicles, and the state of charge of the EVs. The proposed model was implemented in the AMPL modelling language and solved via the commercial solver CPLEX. Tests with a 24-node system allow evaluating the proposed method application

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Funding agency

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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