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Azevedo Pataco, Teresa Alexandra

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  • Communicating (in) wine tourism: what are the paths for harmonising the sector and the Translation Process?
    Publication . Pataco, Teresa; Galanes Santos, Iolanda; Moreira Silva, Manuel
    Wine tourism is an emerging area of specialisation to which several areas of knowledge (marketing, economics, anthropology, viticulture, etc.) converge. Portugal’s wine culture has a long tradition and is internationally recognised, placing it at the forefront of economic, professional, and academic initiatives in this sector. Communication between specialists and between specialists and national and international wine tourists requires an international terminology that is, simultaneously, mindful of tradition and that favours inclusive, efficient, and competitive trade exchanges. 226 Our research aims to contribute to the terminological harmonisation of Portuguese wine tourism, even though no ISO/IPQ standards have been issued in this emerging transdisciplinary area. In this article, two comparable academic sub-corpora (10 theses) on wine tourism will be analysed. Their comparison was carried out with the Sketch Engine programme, which allows, in addition to corpus management, to extract terms, identify keywords and represent their conceptual organisation. Our methodological approach included the analysis of the results based on the 50 most relevant terms in each of the corpus. Ten case studies taken from the corpora emphasise the diversity of terminogenic patterns in each language, the influence of cultural factors in the specialised wine tourism terminology of both languages, and, lastly, the influence of the English language on Portuguese wine tourism terminology. These results should be considered in the proposal of harmonised terminologies and in the translation of specialised wine tourism discourse.
  • Tradução e poesia: actividades irreconciliáveis?
    Publication . Pataco, Teresa
    Associar tradução e poesia será, muitas vezes, sinónimo de enfrentar preconceitos académicos e científicos muito enraizados na cultura ocidental. Se, por um lado, a tradução é vista como indispensável à troca de informações entre códigos linguísticos diferentes e até mesmo como a possibilitadora de avanços científicos e tecnológicos decorrentes do contacto com outras realidades economicamente mais evoluídas, a verdade é que o seu papel enquanto “ponte” cultural está longe de ser aceite universalmente quando em causa passam a estar os “tesouros literários” de uma cultura nacional. Este carácter polémico levou-me a ponderar a hipótese de analisar, de um ponto de vista eminentemente prático, quatro traduções dissemelhantes, de épocas também distintas, do poema The Tyger, de William Blake. Ter ao dispor quatro traduções de quatro tradutores diferentes tornou possível a compilação de um corpus mais alargado e diversificado onde basear conclusões reais para os problemas de tradução de poesia, devidamente contextualizados.