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- Integrative Groundwater Studies in a Small-Scale Urban Area: Case Study from the Municipality of Penafiel (NW Portugal)Publication . Freitas, Liliana; Chaminé, Helder I.; Afonso, Maria José; Meerkhan, Helen; Abreu, Tiago; Trigo, José Filinto; Pereira, Alcides J. S. C.The occurrence of groundwater in urban hard rock areas is mostly controlled by secondary permeability caused by the fracturing degree and weathering grade. Vulnerability GIS-mapping, monitoring, and infiltration/recharge of water resources, and the delineation of the environmental protective background are key issues in evaluating, planning, managing, and decision-making for urban water systems. A small-scale urban area in Penafiel City was used as a case study. Historical and current scenarios were compared using hydrogeological GIS-based modelling. Water sources and potential contamination sources were mapped around the study area. Groundwater is mainly acidic, with a low mineralization and a Cl-Na to Cl-SO4-Na or Cl-Ca to Cl-SO4-Ca hydrogeochemical facies. Considering potential contamination sources, the moderate and the moderate-high classes dominate the area. The combined approach of the vulnerability indexes suggests that most of the area has a low to moderate vulnerability to contamination. The Infiltration Potential Index in urban areas (IPI-urban) indicates the prevalence of a low to moderate infiltration. Groundwater recharge evaluation indicates values < 2.3 mm/year and <60 mm/year for summer and winter scenarios, respectively. Finally, the investigation addresses insights for decision-makers for the appropriate planning and sustainable management of groundwater resources in small-scale urban areas.
- Groundwater Favourable Infiltration Zones on Granitic Areas (Central Portugal)Publication . Carvalho, José Martins; Afonso, Maria José; Teixeira, José; Freitas, Liliana; Lopes, Ana Rita; Jesus, Rosário; Batista, Sofia; Carvalho, Rosário; Chaminé, Helder I.The Infiltration Potential Index (IPI) was used at Castelo Novo (Fundão, Central Portugal) to delineate favourable infiltration zones. The Infiltration Potential Index is a valuable tool to include in integrated water resources management in crystalline fractured rocks. An integrated approach combining hydrogeomorphology and GIS was developed applying multiple layers of information (tectonic lineaments, hydrogeological units, slope, drainage, land use, and precipitation). Different ranks were assigned to thematic layers and different weights were given to classes according to their contribution for groundwater using the Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) methodology. Almost 80% of the area is covered by slightly to moderately weathered (W1–2–W3) granite, having slopes of 5–15° and 15–25°, tectonic lineaments densities of 6–12 km/km2 and 12–18 km/km2 and drainage densities of 6–9 km/km2 and >9 km/km2. Scrub and/or herbaceous vegetation associations and bare rocks dominate. A moderate to high Infiltration Potential Index (IPI) is dominant in the area.
- Delineating Groundwater Vulnerability and Protection Zone Mapping in Fractured Rock Masses: Focus on the DISCO IndexPublication . Meerkhan, Helen; Teixeira, José; Marques, Jorge Espinha; Afonso, Maria José; Chaminé, Helder I.Hard-rock catchments are considered to be source of valuable water resources for water supply to inhabitants and ecosystems. The present work aims to develop a groundwater vulnerability approach in the Caldas da Cavaca hydromineral system (Aguiar da Beira, Central Portugal) in order to improve the hydrogeological conceptual site model. Different types of information were overlaid, generating several thematic maps to achieve an integrated framework of key sectors in the study site. Thus, a multi-technical approach was used, encompassing field and laboratory techniques, whereby different types of data were collected from fields such as geology, hydrogeology, applied geomorphology and geophysics and hydrogeomechanics, with the fundamental aim of applying the so-called DISCO index method. All of these techniques were successfully performed and an intrinsic groundwater vulnerability to contamination assessment, based on the multicriteria methodology of GOD-S, DRASTIC-Fm, SINTACS, SI and DISCO indexes, was delineated. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) provided the basis on which to organize and integrate the databases and to produce all the thematic maps. This multi-technical approach highlights the importance of groundwater vulnerability to contamination mapping as a tool to support hydrogeological conceptualization, contributing to improving the decision-making process regarding water resources management and sustainability.