Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2020-10"
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- The emergency reaction questionnaire: First steps towards a new methodPublication . Zsido, Andras N.; Csokazi, Krisztina; Vincze, Orsolya; Coelho, Carlos M.During emergencies, people are more or less capable of performing adequately. Knowledge about human behavior while facing emergencies has become more significant nowadays. This knowledge can help improving our already present defensive responses and natural coping mechanisms when facing imminent dangers, natural disasters, and catastrophes. A new method is here offered to explore the core points of this topic. The Emergency Reaction Questionnaire (ERQ), is proposed for predicting one’s reaction and behaviour in an emergency.
- Uso da tecnologia e avaliação da satisfação relativamente ao destino turístico pela geração ZPublication . Liberato, Pedro; Aires, Cátia; Liberato, DáliaO presente artigo pretende apresentar uma análise comparativa no que se refere aos distintos comportamentos das gerações, no que concerne à utilização da tecnologia em diferentes contextos do quotidiano em geral, e à informação sobre destinos turísticos, em particular. A investigação empírica pretende apresentar, relativamente à geração Z, e ao destino Porto, resultados sobre a influência dos recursos tecnológicos no grau de satisfação, face ao destino, nas fases pré-viagem e durante a viagem. Os resultados evidenciam que a tecnologia faz parte do modo de vida da Geração Z, na fase da pré-viagem e durante a viagem, confirmando assim que as tecnologias e a utilização da internet são decisivas na pesquisa de informações de viagem, reservas e pagamentos, durante a fase de preparação de uma viagem, pela Geração Z. Deverão, as DMO’s regionais e locais, assegurar a permanente atualização dos conteúdos de informação online e atualização das tecnologias no destino, particularmente, nos serviços turísticos (em todos os setores: alojamento, transportes, restauração, e atrações em geral), deverá estar sempre disponível, pela necessidade de obtenção de esclarecimentos sobre os destinos turísticos antes e durante da viagem, essencial à avaliação positiva da satisfação da experiência do consumidor.
- Internal audits: an ally in the promotion of a radiation protection culturePublication . Cunha, L.; Roda, A. L.; Ratão, P.; Capoulas, M.; Ferreira, F.; Sousa, M.; Vasconcelos, H.; Moreira, A. S.; Metelo, Luís FranciscoInternal audits are between the most important tools supporting the management board of any organization. Regardless if they are conducted by na internal or an external auditor, the goals are to assist the organization in defining areas of improvement, while providing precise information needed to accomplish the established goals. We aim to contribute to improving the community awareness of the value of conducting regular audits and its impact on promoting a culture of radiation protection.
- The Relationship of Higher Education Access with Final Marks in a Core Chemical Engineering TopicPublication . Sena-Esteves, Maria Teresa; Morais, Cristina; Ribeiro, Margarida; Pereira, Isabel; Guedes, Anabela; Soares, Filomena; Leão, Celina P.This present work cracks to understand the relationship between final marks in a topic with competences that are core of Chemical Engineering and students’ access grades to a Portuguese Higher Education Institution (HEI). The study is based on data gathered through a questionnaire concerning students’ perceptions about assessment and teaching-learning methodologies in four academic years (2016-2017 to 2019-2020). The student´s access grades were included in the questionnaire since 2018-19 academic year allowing to establish a relationship with the final marks obtained in a core Chemical Engineering Topic, Fluid Mechanics. From the analysis made, it can be said that students who obtained higher access grades to HEI may have also a higher Chemical Engineering curricular unit final mark, although the low linear relationship obtained (r =0.45) for the year 2019-20.
- Relationship between Innovation & Technology and Internationalization: Cluster Analysis in Europe and Central AsiaPublication . José, Pereira; Correia, Aldina; Braga, VitorBusiness competition is increasingly based on innovation (Freeman & Soete, 2007) and the literature on innovation suggests that technological and organizational innovation individually boosts the company's performance (Damanpour & Aravind, 2012), including international performance (Donbesuur et al., 2020). In this sense, this study aims to analyze how companies in Europe and Central Asia group in clusters according to the relationship between Innovation & Technology and the Internationalization of companies. To achieve the proposed objective, the statistical cluster analysis technique was applied, using SPSS, to a sample of 30 economies in Europe and Central Asia extracted from The World Bank – Enterprise Surveys database. The results of the study suggest that the economies with the greatest Innovation & Technology are also the economies with the greatest Internationalization. This study presents as an implication a better understanding of the relationship between Innovation & Technology and Internationalization in terms of clusters.
- Primary Frequency Control Ancillary Service in Distribution Network by Coordinated Scheduling of Wind Power and Demand ResponsePublication . Khojasteh, Meysam; Faria, Pedro; Vale, ZitaFrequency is the main parameter that reflects the stability of power system, and mismatches between generation and consumption. Increasing the penetration level of renewable energy resource in distribution network, and their noticeable participation level to provide the required electricity lead to a new challenge for the distribution system operators (DSO). The variable nature of renewable resources is inevitable, and this uncertainty can lead to instability of power systems. Therefore, DSO shall use more flexible and schedulable resource to maintain the security of network in the acceptable level. In this work, Demand response (DR) program is proposed as the backup resource for compensating the wind power uncertainty in primary frequency control (PFC). The proposed model specifies the required capacity of DR resource to maintain the frequency of grid in the allowable region, based on the uncertainty of wind generation. The performance of proposed model will be investigated by a case study.
- Management of COVID-19 pandemic in Nuclear Medicine departments: A contribute for the Portuguese communityPublication . Costa, Pedro; Lemos, Joana; Vieira, Domingos; Arantes, N.Considering the infection with the new Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which may evolve into CoronaVirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), and the pandemic that is active, standards, guidelines and recommendations have been issued by diverse entities at the governmental, professional and scientific levels.
- Maternal separation effects on mother rodents’ behaviour: A systematic reviewPublication . Alves, Renata L.; Portugal, Camila Cabral; Summavielle, Teresa; Barbosa, Fernando; Magalhães, AnaMaternal separation (MS) is a widely-used paradigm to study the effect of early-life adversity on brain development and resilience to psychopathology. Most of the related literature focuses on MS impact on offspring, however, it should ideally also consider the impact of altered maternal behaviour caused by MS itself. This systematic review aimed at providing a comprehensive compilation of the effects of MS on key maternal behaviour aspects. We performed a keyword literature search using Boolean operators. Databases were searched between 2000-2018. Additional studies were included from manual search. Twenty-nine articles addressing the impact of MS on maternal behaviour and/or mothers’ anxiety, depression-like behaviour, memory and consequences on underlying mechanisms. The methodological aspects and main conclusions were extracted from each study. This review shows that MS induces changes in dams. Results are particularly robust for increased anxiety and depressive-like symptoms, and altered maternal behaviours, predominantly for longer periods of MS. Finally, research in the field could strongly benefit from the establishment of guidelines to reduce the methodological inconsistencies here identified.
- Exploiting flexibility of end-users at DSO-TSO levels acting in dynamic coalitionsPublication . Lezama, Fernando; Pinto, Tiago; Faia, Ricardo; Vale, ZitaIn this paper, we propose and analyze a coalitional game in which end-users with different characteristics and preferences can cooperate to offer their flexibility to upper-level entities such as the DSO and TSO. We formulate the problem as a cooperative game in which users need to decide the percentage of flexibility they want to offer to DSO and TSO, while searching for the coalition structures that maximize their utilities. Finding the optimal coalition structure that maximizes the sum of payoffs (i.e., social welfare) is a complex combinatorial problem that cannot be efficiently solved for large instances. Therefore, we evoke the use of computational intelligence algorithms to find near-optimal solutions that can provide higher pay-offs in acceptable times than, for example, the grand coalition and independent coalitions.
- Effect of shock wave therapy associated with aerobic exercise on cellulite: A randomized controlled trialPublication . Troia, Sara; Moreira, Ana Maria; Pisco, Daniela; Noites, Andreia; Vale, Ana Luísa; Carvalho, Paulo; Vilarinho, RuiBackground Cellulite is a multifactor and controversial condition. Several methods have been explored to reduce it, not always with favorable results. Shock Wave Therapy has been shown to be effective, but the results of its association with an Aerobic Exercise Program are unknown.