Browsing by Author "Ferreira, Marisa R."
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- Uma Abordagem Teórica sobre o Voluntariado EmpresarialPublication . Magalhães, Manuela; Ferreira, Marisa R.Este trabalho revê e discute a literatura sobre voluntariado empresarial. Com o aumento do compromisso estratégico relativamente à responsabilidade social empresarial, a tendência para se aumentarem as atividades em torno do voluntariado empresarial é visível, como tal é relevante analisar esta questão. O artigo discute o estado da arte do voluntariado empresarial, enquadrando-o como ferramenta de responsabilidade social e expõe a evolução do conceito. Apresenta-se uma pesquisa a bases de dados bibliográficas, referindo-se que a procura é específica e em torno das questões relacionadas com o voluntariado empresarial. Nas atividades de voluntariado empresarial podem estar envolvidos vários stakeholders, sendo que estes são identificados de seguida. Depois, o artigo identifica as principais vantagens e desvantagens relacionadas com o voluntariado empresarial tendo em conta os stakeholders identificados.
- An empirical analysis about motivations among Hospital volunteersPublication . Ferreira, Marisa R.; Proença, Teresa; Proença, João F.The purpose of this paper is to identify the different types of volunteers’ motivations that work in hospitals. We present the literature review about different types of motivations and we collect data from hospital volunteers through a questionnaire. Four different motivations categories are identified: development and learning, altruism, career recognition and belonging and protection. The main motivations expressed are, first, development and learning, followed by altruism. Belonging and protection, followed by career recognition are the least mentioned motivations. Career recognition is negatively correlated with age and belonging/ protection is negatively correlated with education. That is, younger volunteers present more career recognition motives and less educated volunteers show more protection and belonging purpose. This paper brings together hospital volunteers and motivations. The paper is useful to policy makers aiming to develop targeted approaches to attract and retain volunteers.
- Causa Maior – um modelo a seguir? Marketing e responsabilidade socialPublication . Garrido, Sara; Cardoso, Eva; Correia, Adelina; Ferreira, Marisa R.O presente artigo debruça-se sobre os conceitos de responsabilidade social e marketing, dando especial enfoque ao marketing relacionado a causas, servindo o sector lucrativo e não lucrativo. Focaliza-se a análise na campanha e projecto CAUSA MAIOR uma iniciativa do Modelo e Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa, com três anos de existência, dirigido a diversas franjas da população. Este é um projecto socialmente responsável por visar combater o isolamento e a exclusão social numa categoria demográfica especialmente frágil - os seniores, materializando-se em cirurgias, equipamentos ortopédicos de apoio, entre outros. O CAUSA MAIOR teve acções de marketing fortíssimas com vista à promoção do seu produto solidário, para isso recorreu à associação a figuras públicas, parceria com uma estação televisiva, surgimento em programas televisivos, de tal forma que o projecto per si garantiu a continuidade do mesmo e inputs muito importantes para a Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa.
- Diving into Social Innovation: A Bibliometric AnalysisPublication . Martins, Tânia; Braga, Alexandra; Ferreira, Marisa R.; Braga, VítorThis paper aims to map and analyze the scientific production of social innovation, resulting in a contribution to the literature review and guidelines for future research. A bibliometric analysis was conducted to explore the trends on the topic. The primary objectives are (1) to identify how the literature defines the concept of social innovation and to track its evolution; (2) to measure productivity and identify key authors and scientific journals with the highest impact in the field and the association networks between their respective institutions and countries of origin; (3) to analyze and map citations, co-citations, and research topics to pinpoint the topics and dimensions related to social innovation in order to propose future research. Our paper clarifies the concept of social innovation, reports the progresses achieved within this research field, and measures the productivity on this specific topic.
- Do corporate volunteering programs and perceptions of corporate morality impact perceived employer attractiveness?Publication . Oliveira, Miguel; Proença, Teresa; Ferreira, Marisa R.Purpose Rather recently, corporate volunteering (CV) has become a relevant topic of academic research. Nonetheless, there is still uncertainty about several aspects of the relationship between volunteerism and the corporate realm and research on the relationship between CV and employer attractiveness is scarce. This study aims to attempt to fill this gap by studying the influence that the perceived importance attributed by prospective applicants to the opportunity of engaging in CV programs may have on employer attractiveness while also pondering the existence of an indirect relationship between CV and employer attractiveness mediated by the individual cognition of corporate morality (CM). Design/methodology/approach To fulfill the objectives of this research, and test its hypothesized model, the authors opted to use a quantitative methodology via survey by questionnaire of Portuguese students who are close to entering the job-seeking process or are currently involved in it, either passively and actively. Data on 238 Portuguese students was collected mainly through social media channels such as LinkedIn and Facebook and was analyzed with the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 software and the IBM SPSS AMOS extension, using a structural equation model to test the hypotheses and obtain insight into the relationships between the variables. Findings A theoretical model was elaborated based on the literature reviewed and was used to validate the existence of a positive direct relationship between CV and employer attractiveness, CV and CM and between CM and employer attractiveness. Finally, it was observed that CV could prompt an indirect effect on the socioethical perception of employer attractiveness, mainly due to the mediating mechanism of the individual cognition of CM. Research limitations/implications This study has some limitations that should be acknowledged and considered in future studies, namely, the diversity of the sample, as it was essentially formed by students enrolled in the University of Porto and studying mainly in the areas of social sciences, trade and law. It is also worth noting that a global analysis of the employer attractiveness attributes was not considered, focusing instead on the social and ethical spectrum of employer attractiveness. Nonetheless, it is important to keep in mind that different individuals prioritize distinct attractiveness attributes. Practical implications Through the present study, it was understood that CV programs constitute a desired and pertinent tool that should be adopted by firms (employers) to establish a strong position in the job market. These findings are particularly useful for the area of human resources management, which is in charge of finding the most adequate applicants in the job market. Furthermore, for the variable of CM, the authors noticed that there is a theoretical lack of measurement instruments. Consequently, the measure advanced in this study represents an important theoretical and methodologic contribution to the literature. Social implications CV is a concept that is yet maturing within the Portuguese business environment. As such, this study delivers useful insights regarding Portuguese applicants’ growing interest around CV, their concerns about the social, ethical and humanitarian attributes of firms and their beliefs regarding the morality of firms’ social policies and actions. Hence, it allowed us to comprehend that by developing a structured CV program, an employer may be able to enhance other essential concepts for Portuguese prospective applicants, respectively, employer attractiveness and CM. Originality/value This study corroborates the premise that corporate community involvement activities, namely, CV, hold a positive effect in terms of perceived employer attractiveness. Moreover, it is consistent with the idea that CV programs foment a feeling of intimacy between individuals and firms, consequently creating a perception of morality as part of the firms’ intrinsic traits. Finally, it corroborates and extends for the case of prospective applicants the conclusion that individuals may be relatively more concerned with the motives behind firms’ corporate social responsibility practices than with the content of such practices.
- Employees Perceptions about Corporate Social Responsibility—Understanding CSR and Job Engagement through Meaningfulness, Bottom-Up Approach and Calling OrientationPublication . Cunha, Sara; Proença, Teresa; Ferreira, Marisa R.This article analyses the effect of employees’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on job engagement, and we measure meaningfulness experienced and the role of cross-level sensemaking factors, such as the bottom-up approach and calling orientation. Drawing on qualitative data, collected among workers that had CSR implemented in their companies, our findings suggest that both calling orientation and meaningfulness influence the positive impact of the CSR perceptions on job engagement through sequential mediation. The calling orientation has an important role in this relationship because meaningfulness alone does not influence the relationship between CSR and job engagement. Additionally, employees’ perceptions of CSR positively influence job engagement. Furthermore, our research indicates that the meaningfulness experienced by workers increases in the presence of a bottom-up approach in what concerns the definition and implementation of CSR actions of the company. Overall, this research expands our understanding of how people find meaningfulness through individual experiences of CSR.
- Empowering the Community or Escape Daily Routine—A Voluntourism PerspectivePublication . Abreu, José; Ferreira, Marisa R.; Casais, BeatrizOn the edges of tourism, volunteering, and travel, we find voluntourism with tourists, mainly from high-income countries, looking for an alternative form of travel that promises sustainable development of destinations. The aim of the paper is to explore voluntourism through motivations and impacts, as well as aggregate different volunteers in categories, in order to better understand this phenomenon. The results of a questionnaire answered by 65 international volunteers show seven motivations and a lack of attention on the local projects. More than half of the volunteers are considered to have short participations in projects, considering the destination as a very important aspect, have minimal skills, and have a passive participation, as a minimal direct contribution. Generically, our research may help to highlight and boost the voluntourism experience, creating positive and transformative changes.
- A Gestão de Recursos Humanos nas Organizações de Economia SocialPublication . Marques, Paula; Rodrigues, Ana Cláudia; Ferreira, Marisa R.Introdução: O peso das organizações de Economia Social enquanto agentes económicos, com importância ao nível do emprego e da riqueza criada na prestação de serviços, é bastante significativo e cada vez mais reconhecido no contexto da União Europeia. No presente contexto de crise mundial o terceiro sector parece ganhar novo espaço e novas atenções, à imagem do que foi sucedendo desde as primeiras ideias avançadas para uma economia social, surgidas justamente com a crise vivida pelos operários do século XIX. Neste contexto, e dado os valores e princípios que idealmente regem a economia social, importa estudar a Gestão de Recursos Humanos que poderá ocupar um importante papel, uma vez que se considera que, devido à natureza do trabalho desenvolvido por estas organizações, as pessoas são o seu ativo mais importante e, como tal, a forma como cada organização gere os seus Recursos Humanos poderá influenciar o seu desempenho organizacional. A eficácia e eficiência são cada vez mais uma prioridade nestas organizações, face à conjuntura económica desfavorável e à diminuição do seu financiamento pelo Estado. Objetivos: Caraterizar a Gestão de Recursos Humanos nas Organizações de Economia Social. Método: Realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre esta temática com recurso a base de dados científicos. Resultados: O trabalho põe em relevo a importância da Gestão de Recursos Humanos nas Organizações de Economia Social em Portugal. A análise deste contexto específico pode trazer resultados proeminentes para um setor cuja importância é fulcral e crescente. Conclusões: Nesta crescente fase de profissionalização, as Organizações de Economia Social poderão usufruir de importantes melhorias se apostarem em políticas, processos e boas práticas de GRH. Além disso, uma forte aposta na GRH poderá ser um importante elemento diferenciado, num setor que se apresenta cada vez mais competitivo e preocupado com a melhoria da sua performance.
- Green Cork. Um caso de responsabilidade social e sustentabilidadePublication . Ferreira, Helena; Ferreira, Marisa R.Neste caso de estudo apresentam-se as acções de Responsabilidade Social e Sustentabilidade das organizações envolvidas no Programa GREEN CORK, assim como alguns aspectos relacionados com marketing verde. O GREEN CORK é um Programa de Reciclagem de rolhas de cortiça que permite o financiamento de parte do Programa “CRIAR BOSQUES, CONSERVAR A BIODIVERSIDADE”, que utilizará exclusivamente árvores que constituem a nossa floresta autóctone. “ROLHAS POR QUERCUS” é a mensagem do Programa GREEN CORK.
- Hospital volunteers – are they satisfied?Publication . Ferreira, Marisa R.; Proença, Teresa; Proença, João F.We examine satisfaction with HRM practices, namely recruitment, training and rewarding in NPO’s and attitudes regarding the appropriateness of these practices. The participants in this study are 76 volunteers, affiliated to 4 different NPO’s, which work in hospitals and have direct contact with patients and their families. Analysing aggregate results we show that volunteers are more satisfied with training, and consider that the training strategies are very appropriate. After identifying differences between organisations we discover that in some organizations volunteers are satisfied with rewards, but in opposition they have negative attitudes regarding the appropriateness of the recognition strategies and vice-versa an opposite relation between satisfaction with reward and recognition strategies and the process of reward and recognition. We also name the more and less satisfied volunteers.