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O ambiente empresarial sofreu uma transformação considerável como resultado da quarta
revolução industrial, ou Indústria 4.0. Esta mudança é marcada por uma maior conetividade,
digitalização e automatização dos processos de fabrico, e uma maior ênfase na tomada de
decisões baseada em dados. Para serem competitivas e reagirem rapidamente às mudanças no
mercado, as empresas devem modificar as suas estratégias e processos de gestão à luz deste
novo paradigma. Neste contexto, esta dissertação explora o domínio dinâmico dos paradigmas
de gestão. O objetivo é desenvolver um trabalho de investigação que integre os diferentes
paradigmas de gestão aplicáveis na era da Indústria 4.0, focando-se nas abordagens de Gestão
Lean, Gestão Ágil, Gestão Colaborativa e Gestão em Tempo Real, avaliando a sinergia,
vantagens e benefícios, dificuldades e barreiras de implementação no contexto da Indústria 4.0.
Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica através do método snowballing, no sentido de obter uma
compreensão aprofundada dos temas referidos. Ainda na revisão bibliográfica é feita uma
análise bibliométrica, que permite compreender o estado atual desta área de investigação.
Posteriormente é feita uma exploração de interconexões para melhor compreensão do tema.
Seguidamente, será feita um Revisão Sistemática da Literatura estruturada em seis passos, que
recorre a bases de dados como a Web of Science. Este processo sistemático permite consolidar
o conhecimento e discutir as interconexões entre os paradigmas de gestão e a Indústria 4.0. Os
resultados do estudo mostram que cada paradigma de gestão tem qualidades especiais que são
vantajosas quando incorporadas no ambiente digital da Indústria 4.0. Por exemplo, a Gestão
Ágil melhora a flexibilidade e a capacidade de adaptação a desenvolvimentos imprevistos,
enquanto a Gestão Lean ajuda a reduzir o desperdício e a otimizar os procedimentos. A Gestão
em Tempo Real utiliza dados em tempo real para permitir operações eficientes e reações
rápidas às flutuações do mercado, enquanto a Gestão Colaborativa ajuda a coordenação e a
comunicação entre muitos intervenientes na cadeia de valor. A utilização dessas estratégias no
contexto da Indústria 4.0 potencializa a sinergia entre a tecnologia digital e os procedimentos
de gestão, além de atender às novas demandas organizacionais e oferecer uma assistência
abrangente, adaptável e eficaz. De acordo com a dissertação, a integração dessas abordagens
pode auxiliar as empresas a superar obstáculos relacionados à tecnologia e à cultura, ao
promover uma gestão mais inteligente, flexível e cooperativa, capaz de reagir rapidamente às
mudanças no mercado e às expectativas dos clientes. O trabalho conclui com recomendações
para investigação futura, destacando a necessidade de investigar mais detalhadamente a
integração prática destas técnicas nas empresas e de identificar os obstáculos específicos que
precisam de ser abordados em várias indústrias. Ao apresentar uma investigação exaustiva das
sinergias entre os paradigmas de gestão e as tecnologias da Indústria 4.0, a dissertação faz
avançar o tema da gestão industrial e estabelece as bases para um estudo mais aprofundado e
aplicações úteis.
The business environment has undergone a considerable transformation as a result of the fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0. This change is marked by greater connectivity, digitization and automation of manufacturing processes, and a greater emphasis on data-based decision-making. In order to be competitive and react quickly to changes in the market, companies must modify their strategies and management processes in light of this new paradigm. In this context, this dissertation explores the dynamic domain of management paradigms. The aim is to develop a research project that integrates the different management paradigms applicable in the era of Industry 4.0, focusing on the approaches of Lean Management, Agile Management, Collaborative Management and Real-Time Management, assessing synergy, advantages and benefits, difficulties and barriers of implementation in the context of Industry 4.0. A literature review was carried out using the snowballing method in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the topics mentioned. The literature review also includes a bibliometric analysis, which allows to understand the current state of this area of research. This is later followed by an exploitation of interconnections for a better understanding of the subject. This is followed by a six-step Systematic Literature Review using databases such as Web of Science. This systematic process makes it possible to consolidate the findings and discuss the interconnections between management paradigms and Industry 4.0. The results of the study show that each management paradigm has special qualities that are advantageous when incorporated into the digital environment of Industry 4.0. For example, Agile Management improves flexibility and the ability to adapt to unforeseen developments, while Lean Management helps reduce waste and optimize procedures. Real-Time Management uses real-time data to enable efficient operations and quick reactions to market fluctuations, while Collaborative Management helps coordination and communication between many players in the value chain. The use of these strategies in the context of Industry 4.0 enhances the synergy between digital technology and management procedures, as well as meeting new organizational demands and offering comprehensive, adaptable and effective assistance. According to the dissertation, integrating these approaches can help companies overcome obstacles related to technology and culture by promoting more intelligent, flexible and cooperative management, capable of reacting quickly to changes in the market and customer expectations. The paper concludes with recommendations for future research, highlighting the need to further investigate the practical integration of these techniques in companies and to identify the specific obstacles that need to be addressed in various industries. By presenting a thorough investigation of the synergies between management paradigms and Industry 4.0 technologies, the dissertation advances the topic of industrial management and lays the foundations for further study and useful applications. KEYWORDS: Industry 4.0, Lean Management, Agile Management
The business environment has undergone a considerable transformation as a result of the fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0. This change is marked by greater connectivity, digitization and automation of manufacturing processes, and a greater emphasis on data-based decision-making. In order to be competitive and react quickly to changes in the market, companies must modify their strategies and management processes in light of this new paradigm. In this context, this dissertation explores the dynamic domain of management paradigms. The aim is to develop a research project that integrates the different management paradigms applicable in the era of Industry 4.0, focusing on the approaches of Lean Management, Agile Management, Collaborative Management and Real-Time Management, assessing synergy, advantages and benefits, difficulties and barriers of implementation in the context of Industry 4.0. A literature review was carried out using the snowballing method in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the topics mentioned. The literature review also includes a bibliometric analysis, which allows to understand the current state of this area of research. This is later followed by an exploitation of interconnections for a better understanding of the subject. This is followed by a six-step Systematic Literature Review using databases such as Web of Science. This systematic process makes it possible to consolidate the findings and discuss the interconnections between management paradigms and Industry 4.0. The results of the study show that each management paradigm has special qualities that are advantageous when incorporated into the digital environment of Industry 4.0. For example, Agile Management improves flexibility and the ability to adapt to unforeseen developments, while Lean Management helps reduce waste and optimize procedures. Real-Time Management uses real-time data to enable efficient operations and quick reactions to market fluctuations, while Collaborative Management helps coordination and communication between many players in the value chain. The use of these strategies in the context of Industry 4.0 enhances the synergy between digital technology and management procedures, as well as meeting new organizational demands and offering comprehensive, adaptable and effective assistance. According to the dissertation, integrating these approaches can help companies overcome obstacles related to technology and culture by promoting more intelligent, flexible and cooperative management, capable of reacting quickly to changes in the market and customer expectations. The paper concludes with recommendations for future research, highlighting the need to further investigate the practical integration of these techniques in companies and to identify the specific obstacles that need to be addressed in various industries. By presenting a thorough investigation of the synergies between management paradigms and Industry 4.0 technologies, the dissertation advances the topic of industrial management and lays the foundations for further study and useful applications. KEYWORDS: Industry 4.0, Lean Management, Agile Management
Industry 4.0 Integration Lean management Agile management Collaborative management Real-Time management Indústria 4.0 Integração Gestão lean Gestão ágil Gestão colaborativa Gestão em tempo real