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A indústria 4.0 representa um ponto de viragem na filosofia do modelo produtivo, uma vez que
assenta em sistemas autónomos de produção com o objetivo de melhorar a produtividade,
qualidade do produto e prazo de entrega ao cliente.
A digitalização e evolução das tecnologias de informação permitiu a criação do modelo virtual do
sistema produtivo, denominado Digital Twin, com a capacidade de simular diferentes cenários
fornecendo suporte a uma melhor tomada de decisão. Esta ferramenta não representa apenas uma
cópia virtual do mundo físico que obtém informação sobre o estado da cadeia de valor, mas
também ilustra um sistema capaz de alterar o desenvolvimento da atividade produtiva em função
do cumprimento das metas empresariais pretendidas.
Uma linha de produção baseada no Cyber-Physical System garante um conjunto de características
necessárias para produção personalizada, alargando a versatilidade do produto com um design
adaptável para diferentes requisitos.
Nos últimos anos a procura pela personalização do produto tem crescido de forma considerável
pelo que é necessário desenvolver filosofias flexíveis e versáteis de forma a responder aos pedidos
dos clientes. A produção descentralizada procura responder a estas necessidade pois permite
aglomerar diversos serviços com diferentes localizações geográficas, promovendo a partilha de
A dissertação incorpora o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma digital de personalização da
produção, em que o cliente pode definir uma fábrica virtual capaz de produzir o produto
pretendido, procurando apresentar uma solução para as necessidades do mercado.
A solução encontrada incorpora uma filosofia de inovação fazendo nascer uma ferramenta
disruptiva face aquilo que se encontra atualmente no mercado, que permite desenvolver produtos
personalizados através da agregação de diferentes recursos com localizações geográficas distintas.
A maior parte da literatura sobre este tema apenas enfatiza a utilização dos Digital Twin numa
unidade de produção local, mas neste caso propõe-se a sua utilização numa rede conjunta de
unidades produtivas com localizações distintas, o que permite uma maior flexibilidade na
personalização do produto.
A plataforma apresenta os recursos disponíveis em diferentes localizações geográficas permitindo
a sua alocação, com o objetivo de integrar todo o desenvolvimento do produto. A rede de
fornecedores com recursos disponíveis a serem utilizados pelos clientes constitui a base para o
conceito de descentralização da produção, dando também a possibilidade de monitorização do
estado das subcontratações efetuadas pelo cliente, em tempo real associado a um dos pilares da
indústria 4.0 que é o IoT.
Industry 4.0 represents a turning point in the philosophy of the production model, as it is based on autonomous production systems with the aim of improving productivity, product quality and customer delivery times. The digitalization and evolution of information technologies has made it possible to create a virtual model of the production system, called Digital Twin, with the ability to simulate different scenarios to support better decision-making. This tool not only represents a virtual copy of the physical world that obtains information on the state of the value chain, but also illustrates a system capable of altering the development of production activity in line with the fulfilment of the desired business goals. A production line based on the Cyber-Physical System guarantees a set of features necessary for personalized production, extending product versatility with an adaptable design for different requirements. In recent years the demand for product customization has grown considerably, so it is necessary to develop flexible and versatile philosophies to respond to customer requests. Decentralized production seeks to respond to these needs as it makes it possible to bring together various services with different geographical locations, promoting the sharing of resources. The dissertation incorporates the development of a digital platform for customizing production, in which the client can define a virtual factory capable of producing the desired product, seeking to present a solution to market needs. The solution found incorporates a philosophy of innovation, giving rise to a disruptive tool compared to what is currently on the market, which allows customized products to be developed through the aggregation of different resources with different geographical locations. Most of the literature on this subject only emphasizes the use of Digital Twin in a local production unit, but in this case, it is proposed to use it in a joint network of production units with different locations, which allows for greater flexibility in product customization. The platform shows the resources available in different geographical locations, allowing them to be allocated with the aim of integrating all product development. The network of suppliers with available resources to be used by customers forms the basis for the concept of decentralizing production, also enabling the status of subcontracts made by the customer to be monitored in real time, associated with one of the pillars of Industry 4.0, which is the IoT.
Industry 4.0 represents a turning point in the philosophy of the production model, as it is based on autonomous production systems with the aim of improving productivity, product quality and customer delivery times. The digitalization and evolution of information technologies has made it possible to create a virtual model of the production system, called Digital Twin, with the ability to simulate different scenarios to support better decision-making. This tool not only represents a virtual copy of the physical world that obtains information on the state of the value chain, but also illustrates a system capable of altering the development of production activity in line with the fulfilment of the desired business goals. A production line based on the Cyber-Physical System guarantees a set of features necessary for personalized production, extending product versatility with an adaptable design for different requirements. In recent years the demand for product customization has grown considerably, so it is necessary to develop flexible and versatile philosophies to respond to customer requests. Decentralized production seeks to respond to these needs as it makes it possible to bring together various services with different geographical locations, promoting the sharing of resources. The dissertation incorporates the development of a digital platform for customizing production, in which the client can define a virtual factory capable of producing the desired product, seeking to present a solution to market needs. The solution found incorporates a philosophy of innovation, giving rise to a disruptive tool compared to what is currently on the market, which allows customized products to be developed through the aggregation of different resources with different geographical locations. Most of the literature on this subject only emphasizes the use of Digital Twin in a local production unit, but in this case, it is proposed to use it in a joint network of production units with different locations, which allows for greater flexibility in product customization. The platform shows the resources available in different geographical locations, allowing them to be allocated with the aim of integrating all product development. The network of suppliers with available resources to be used by customers forms the basis for the concept of decentralizing production, also enabling the status of subcontracts made by the customer to be monitored in real time, associated with one of the pillars of Industry 4.0, which is the IoT.
Industry 4.0 Digital Twin Cyber-Physical System Smart Factory Product Customization