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No amanhecer da Quarta Revolução Industrial, o cenário industrial testemunha uma
metamorfose sem precedentes, guiada pelo avanço exponencial da tecnologia. À medida que
nos imergimos na era da Indústria 4.0, as fronteiras entre o físico e o digital desvanecem, dando
origem a um novo paradigma de produção.
O Trabalho para a dissertação "Desenvolvimento de um Manufacturing Execution System numa
indústria de elevadores" apresenta um estudo detalhado sobre a implementação de um
sistema de execução de manufatura (MES) em colaboração com a empresa Schmitt + Sohn
Elevadores. O trabalho destaca a importância da gestão operacional focada na redução de
desperdícios e custos, visando otimizar os processos de produção de elevadores de média/alta
gama. A dissertação oferece insights valiosos sobre a aplicação prática de conceitos de gestão
operacional e sistemas de execução de manufatura num contexto industrial específico. Além
disso, o estudo aborda a integração do MES com o ERP (EnterPrise Resource Planning) da
empresa, recolhendo dados provenientes dele e das múltiplas máquinas da fábrica, permitindo
a criação automatizada de dashboards e apresentando indicadores-chave de desempenho (KPIs)
pré-definidos. O trabalho contribui significativamente para a área de gestão operacional e
sistemas de execução de processos, fornecendo informações valiosas para empresas que
procuram otimizar seus processos produtivos e aumentar a competitividade de seus produtos
At the dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the industrial landscape is witnessing an unprecedented metamorphosis, driven by the exponential advance of technology. As we immerse ourselves in the era of Industry 4.0, the boundaries between the physical and the digital are blurring, giving rise to a new production paradigm. The dissertation ‘Development of a Manufacturing Execution System in a lift industry’ presents a detailed study on the implementation of a manufacturing execution system (MES) in collaboration with the company Schmitt + Sohn Elevadores. The work highlights the importance of operational management focused on reducing waste and costs in order to optimise the production processes of medium/high-end lifts. The dissertation offers valuable insights into the practical application of operational management concepts and manufacturing execution systems in a specific industrial context. In addition, the study addresses the integration of MES with the company’s ERP (EnterPrise Resource Planning), collecting data from it and from the factory’s multiple machines, enabling the automated creation of dashboards and presenting pre-defined key performance indicators (KPIs). The work makes a significant contribution to the field of operational management and process execution systems, providing valuable information for companies looking to optimise their production processes and increase the competitiveness of their products.
At the dawn of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the industrial landscape is witnessing an unprecedented metamorphosis, driven by the exponential advance of technology. As we immerse ourselves in the era of Industry 4.0, the boundaries between the physical and the digital are blurring, giving rise to a new production paradigm. The dissertation ‘Development of a Manufacturing Execution System in a lift industry’ presents a detailed study on the implementation of a manufacturing execution system (MES) in collaboration with the company Schmitt + Sohn Elevadores. The work highlights the importance of operational management focused on reducing waste and costs in order to optimise the production processes of medium/high-end lifts. The dissertation offers valuable insights into the practical application of operational management concepts and manufacturing execution systems in a specific industrial context. In addition, the study addresses the integration of MES with the company’s ERP (EnterPrise Resource Planning), collecting data from it and from the factory’s multiple machines, enabling the automated creation of dashboards and presenting pre-defined key performance indicators (KPIs). The work makes a significant contribution to the field of operational management and process execution systems, providing valuable information for companies looking to optimise their production processes and increase the competitiveness of their products.
ERP Indústria 4.0 KPIs Industry 4.0 MES Lean