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A evolução da era digital proporciona aos utilizadores um acesso à sua informação de um modo mais facilitado e conveniente através dos serviços/produtos das organizações que detêm a sua informação. Contudo, nos últimos anos, tem-se observado a falta de medidas de segurança na gestão da informação dos utilizadores, nas pequenas e grandes organizações, que originou vazamentos de informação pessoal e confidencial. Para combater estes incidentes, a União Europeia criou o Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados (RGPD) que define um conjunto de regras a serem respeitadas por todas as organizações, dentro ou fora da União Europeia, que façam tratamento sobre os dados pessoais de cidadãos residentes na União Europeia. As instituições de saúde têm vindo a adotar Registos Clínicos Eletrónicos (EHR) com o objetivo de partilhar informação clínica entre si, promovendo o conceito de interoperabilidade clínica. Com a entrada em vigor do RGPD, é necessário garantir que a informação pessoal e clínica dos pacientes cumpra as imposições estabelecidas pelo RGPD. Sendo a ALERT uma organização que trabalha na área da saúde e tecnologias da informação, é fundamental que os produtos ALERT® estejam em cumprimento com o RGPD, de modo a que os pacientes estejam seguros da informação que é processada pelos produtos. Dito isto, a ALERT está a implementar processos no sentido de cumprir com as exigências do RGPD ao nível organizacional e dos seus produtos. O ALERT® HIE é o produto de interoperabilidade clínica da ALERT. Este permite a partilha de informação clínica entre instituições que façam parte do seu domínio, como também a correlação de pacientes entre instituições de forma a melhorar os cuidados médicos prestados. Assim, o ALERT® HIE processa informação sensível e identificável dos pacientes das várias instituições, sendo fundamental que o produto esteja em cumprimento com as exigências do RGPD. No sentido de respeitar estas exigências, este documento aborda uma análise dos requisitos necessários para que o produto cumpra o RGPD, um estudo de soluções existentes que permitirão responder aos requisitos identificados, novos conceitos de negócios provenientes do RGPD, adaptações necessárias nos processos de negócio, novos artefactos de desenho e a respetiva implementação no produto. Os resultados obtidos através da experimentação ao algoritmo de correlacionamento de EHR de pacientes, permitiu aferir que quantos mais atributos forem utilizados maior será a precisão do algoritmo, no entanto, a sua cobertura irá descer significativamente devido aos possíveis erros de inserção que possam existir. Ao utilizar 6 atributos obteve-se uma precisão de 98,13% e uma cobertura de 87,55%, já com 14 atributos a precisão foi de 99,54% mas a cobertura de apenas 80,86%.
The evolution of the digital era gives users an easier and more convenient access to their information throughout services/products of the organizations that have their information. However, in recent years, there has been a lack of security measures in the management of user information in small and large organizations, which has resulted in leaks of personal and confidential information. In order to oppose these incidents, the European Union has established the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which defines a set of rules to be respected by all organizations inside or outside the European Union, that treat personal data of residente european citizens. In the past years, Health institutions have been adopting Electronic Health Records (EHR) in order to share clinical information with each other, promoting the concept of clinical interoperability. With GDPR’s enforcement, it is necessary to guarantee the security of patient’s personal and clinical information. Since ALERT is an organization inside the health and information technology area, it’s fundamental that ALERT® products comply with the rules of GDPR, as they manage patient’s sensitive information. For this reason, ALERT has been implementing processes in order to comply with GDPR requirements at the organizational level and regarding its products. ALERT® HIE is ALERT’s clinical interoperability product, that allows the share of clinical information between institutions that are part of its domain, as well as the correlation of patients in order to improve the healthcare. Therefore, as it processes patient’s sensitive and identifiable information from the various institutions, it is fundamental that the product complies with GDPR requirements. In order to respect these , this thesis approaches an analysis of the requirements necessary for the product to comply with the GDPR, along with a study of existing solutions that may help in the implementation of the identified requirements, new business concepts brought by GDPR, the necessary adaptations in the business process, new design artifacts and the respective implementation in the product. The results obtained by the experimentation performed in correlation algorithm of patient’s EHR, allowed to determine that the more attributes used, the greater the precision will be, however, the recall will decrease significantly due to the possible insertion error that may exist. The use of 6 attributes obtained an precision of 98,13% and a recall of 87,55%, while 14 attributes obtained a precision of 99,54% but the recall was only 80,86%.
The evolution of the digital era gives users an easier and more convenient access to their information throughout services/products of the organizations that have their information. However, in recent years, there has been a lack of security measures in the management of user information in small and large organizations, which has resulted in leaks of personal and confidential information. In order to oppose these incidents, the European Union has established the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which defines a set of rules to be respected by all organizations inside or outside the European Union, that treat personal data of residente european citizens. In the past years, Health institutions have been adopting Electronic Health Records (EHR) in order to share clinical information with each other, promoting the concept of clinical interoperability. With GDPR’s enforcement, it is necessary to guarantee the security of patient’s personal and clinical information. Since ALERT is an organization inside the health and information technology area, it’s fundamental that ALERT® products comply with the rules of GDPR, as they manage patient’s sensitive information. For this reason, ALERT has been implementing processes in order to comply with GDPR requirements at the organizational level and regarding its products. ALERT® HIE is ALERT’s clinical interoperability product, that allows the share of clinical information between institutions that are part of its domain, as well as the correlation of patients in order to improve the healthcare. Therefore, as it processes patient’s sensitive and identifiable information from the various institutions, it is fundamental that the product complies with GDPR requirements. In order to respect these , this thesis approaches an analysis of the requirements necessary for the product to comply with the GDPR, along with a study of existing solutions that may help in the implementation of the identified requirements, new business concepts brought by GDPR, the necessary adaptations in the business process, new design artifacts and the respective implementation in the product. The results obtained by the experimentation performed in correlation algorithm of patient’s EHR, allowed to determine that the more attributes used, the greater the precision will be, however, the recall will decrease significantly due to the possible insertion error that may exist. The use of 6 attributes obtained an precision of 98,13% and a recall of 87,55%, while 14 attributes obtained a precision of 99,54% but the recall was only 80,86%.
RGPD Interoperabilidade clínica Privacidade dos dados Consentimento GDPR Clinical interoperability Data privacy Consent