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Hoje em dia, e com os avanços tecnológicos a surgirem de forma constante, existem novas
áreas que têm de ser consideradas com um foco importante por parte de todas as
organizações, sendo uma delas a robótica industrial. Motivada em aumentar o seu output, as
condições de trabalho para os seus colaboradores, bem como todas as condições de
organização da logística interna, a Grohe Portugal, mais especificamente o departamento da
montagem, achou relevante fazer um estudo de métodos e tempos, calculando os ganhos
potenciais de aumento de output com introdução de robótica nas linhas dos cartuchos. Os
objetivos principais seriam então, fazer uma restruturação de todo o layout dessas linhas,
tendo como foco automatizar alguma(s) operação(ões), conseguindo assim uma melhoria
significativa do output dessas linhas com o menor payback possível.
Posto isto, esta dissertação pretende apresentar o trabalho desenvolvido junto da Grohe
Portugal, que teve como objetivo fazer os estudos e a automatização de linhas de montagem
de cartuchos, bem como melhorar algumas linhas de montagem tendo em conta fatores
ergonómicos. Relativamente à automatização da linha dos cartuchos, foi importante estudar
todos os seguintes aspetos:
utilização de unidades robóticas;
ganhos de produtividade;
automatizar ou semi-automatizar operações;
simplificar processos de montagem;
simplificar setups;
solicitar orçamentos;
elaborar caderno de encargos.
Para a realização deste projeto, o trabalho desenvolvido foi decomposto em várias etapas,
entre as quais se destacam: análise e estudo dos métodos e sequências de montagem;
levantamento de todos os componentes e operações de montagem até à obtenção do
cartucho final;
estudo de tempos de todas essas operações de montagem;
caraterização de um novo layout para as linhas com a introdução de unidades
robóticas, tanto quanto possível, mais adequadas;
elaboração de caderno de encargos para ser enviado a empresas, para estas poderem
apresentar uma orçamentação, bem como indicar as unidades robóticas mais
adequadas para as tarefas pretendidas;
automatização da linha dos cartuchos.
Relativamente ao projeto de novas linhas de montagem tendo em conta fatores ergonómicos,
de forma a melhorar os sistemas de abastecimento e as condições de trabalho por parte dos
operadores, foram postos em prática diferentes passos, nomeadamente:
identificação de todos os processos de montagem realizados pelos operadores na
linha a melhorar;
estudo e definição da disposição dos componentes na nova linha, bem como a sua
forma de abastecimento;
projeto da nova linha de montagem em 3D com recurso ao software SolidWorks;
realização prática da linha, acompanhando e ajudando a equipa da ferramentaria.
O balanço final do trabalho foi bastante positivo, tanto na automatização das linhas de
montagem dos cartuchos, em que todo o seu estudo foi alcançado com sucesso, como no
melhoramento ergonómico das linhas de montagem, tendo-se alcançado melhorias em
alguns índices de qualidade, tempos de abastecimento, organização das linhas, e nas
condições de iluminação, resultando essas melhorias numa avaliação positiva por parte dos
colaboradores que nelas trabalham todos os dias.
Nowadays, with innovative technological advances coming up consistently, there are new areas that should be considered by all organizations with an important focus, being one of them industrial robotics. Motivated to increase their output, working conditions for its employees, as well as all organizational conditions of the internal logistics, Grohe Portugal, specifically the assembly department, found relevant to perform a motion and time study, calculating the potential gains of increased output with the introduction of robotic lines for the assembly of cartridges. The main objectives were then to restructure the entire layout of these lines, focusing on automating some operations, in order to achieve a significant improvement in its output with the lowest possible payback. Hereupon, this dissertation aims to present the work developed with Grohe Portugal, which aimed to perform the studies and the automation of the cartridge assembly lines as well as improving some assembly lines taking into account ergonomic factors. Regarding the automation of the cartridges lines, it was important to study all the following aspects: use of robot units; ergonomics; productivity improvement; automation or semi-automation of some operations; simplifying assembly processes; simplifying setups; request budgets; prepare contract documents. To achieve the goals of this project, the developed work was broken down into several stages, among which are some that stood out: analysis and study of methods and assembly sequences; survey of all components and assembly operations until the achievement of the final cartridge; time analysis of all these assembly operations; characterization of a new layout for the lines with the introduction of the most suitable robotic units as possible; preparation of contract documents to be sent to companies in order to enable them to present a budget and indicate the most appropriate robotic units for the specific required tasks; automation of the cartridge line. For the design of new production lines, taking into account ergonomic factors, to improve the supply system and operators` working conditions, different steps were implemented: identification of all assembly processes made by operators in the line needing improvement; study and definition of the disposal of the components in the new line as well as their form of supply; design the new assembly line in 3D using SolidWorks software; practical realization of the line, following and helping the tooling team. The final balance of the work was very positive, both in the automation of the cartridge lines, in which all the goals of the study were successfully achieved, as in the ergonomics improvement of the assembly lines, having achieved a good progress in the quality indices, supply times, lines` organization, and the lighting conditions, resulting these improvements in a positive evaluation by the employees who work in lines of Grohe Portugal every day.
Nowadays, with innovative technological advances coming up consistently, there are new areas that should be considered by all organizations with an important focus, being one of them industrial robotics. Motivated to increase their output, working conditions for its employees, as well as all organizational conditions of the internal logistics, Grohe Portugal, specifically the assembly department, found relevant to perform a motion and time study, calculating the potential gains of increased output with the introduction of robotic lines for the assembly of cartridges. The main objectives were then to restructure the entire layout of these lines, focusing on automating some operations, in order to achieve a significant improvement in its output with the lowest possible payback. Hereupon, this dissertation aims to present the work developed with Grohe Portugal, which aimed to perform the studies and the automation of the cartridge assembly lines as well as improving some assembly lines taking into account ergonomic factors. Regarding the automation of the cartridges lines, it was important to study all the following aspects: use of robot units; ergonomics; productivity improvement; automation or semi-automation of some operations; simplifying assembly processes; simplifying setups; request budgets; prepare contract documents. To achieve the goals of this project, the developed work was broken down into several stages, among which are some that stood out: analysis and study of methods and assembly sequences; survey of all components and assembly operations until the achievement of the final cartridge; time analysis of all these assembly operations; characterization of a new layout for the lines with the introduction of the most suitable robotic units as possible; preparation of contract documents to be sent to companies in order to enable them to present a budget and indicate the most appropriate robotic units for the specific required tasks; automation of the cartridge line. For the design of new production lines, taking into account ergonomic factors, to improve the supply system and operators` working conditions, different steps were implemented: identification of all assembly processes made by operators in the line needing improvement; study and definition of the disposal of the components in the new line as well as their form of supply; design the new assembly line in 3D using SolidWorks software; practical realization of the line, following and helping the tooling team. The final balance of the work was very positive, both in the automation of the cartridge lines, in which all the goals of the study were successfully achieved, as in the ergonomics improvement of the assembly lines, having achieved a good progress in the quality indices, supply times, lines` organization, and the lighting conditions, resulting these improvements in a positive evaluation by the employees who work in lines of Grohe Portugal every day.
Automatização Robótica Estudo de métodos e tempos Caderno de encargos Linhas de montagem Ergonomia Abastecimento Automation Robotics Motion and time analysis Contract document Assembly lines Ergonomics Supply