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O software tem vindo a tornar-se uma parte importante de qualquer empresa, cobrindo várias
áreas funcionais, tais como manufaturação, vendas ou recursos humanos. O facto de uma
empresa possuir um software capaz de ligar todas ou a maior parte das suas áreas funcionais e
de acomodar as suas regras de negócio permite que estas tenham acesso a dados em tempo
real nos quais se podem basear para tomar decisões. Estes tipos de software podem ser
categorizados como Enterprise resource planning (ERP). Tendo em conta que estes tipos de
software têm um papel importante dentro de uma empresa, a aquisição dos mesmos é algo
que deve ser bem estudado. As grandes empresas normalmente optam pela aquisição de
soluções comerciais uma vez que estas tendem a ter mais funcionalidades, maior suporte e
certificações. Os ERPs comerciais representam, no entanto, um esforço elevado para que a sua
compra possa ser feita, o que limita a possibilidade de aquisição dos mesmos por parte de
pequenas ou médias empresas. No entanto, tal como acontece com a maior parte dos tipos de
software, existem alternativas open-source.
Se nos colocássemos na posição de uma pequena empresa, a tentar iniciar o seu negócio em
Portugal, que tipo de ERP seria suficiente para os nossos requisitos? Teríamos que optar por
comprar uma solução comercial, ou uma solução open-source seria suficiente? E se optássemos
por desenvolver uma solução à medida? Esta tese irá responder a estas questões focando-se
apenas num dos componentes base de qualquer ERP, a gestão de entidades. O componente de
gestão de entidades é responsável por gerir todas as entidades com as quais a empresa interage
abrangindo colaboradores, clientes, fornecedores, etc. A nível de funcionalidades será feita
uma comparação entre um ERP comercial e um ERP open-source.
Como os ERPs tendem a ser soluções muito genéricas é comum que estes não implementem
todos os requisitos de um negócio em particular, como tal os ERPs precisam de ser extensíveis
e adaptáveis. Para perceber até que ponto a solução open-source é extensível será feita uma
análise técnica ao seu código fonte e será feita uma implementação parcial de um gerador de
ficheiros de auditoria requerido pela lei Portuguesa, o SAF-T (PT).
Ao estudar e adaptar a solução open-source podemos especificar o que teria que ser
desenvolvido para podermos criar uma solução à medida de raiz.
Computer software has become an important part of any line of business, covering a wide range of functional areas, such as manufacturing, sales or human resources. The fact that a company has a software that is capable of connecting all or most of its functional areas and accommodate its business rules allows companies to have access to real-time data upon which decisions can be made. These types of software fall in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) category. Given that this software plays an important role within a company, the acquisition of an ERP has to be well thought. Big companies usually opt by commercial ERPs as they tend to have more features, support, and certifications. Commercial ERPs are expensive and small companies don’t usually have the money to acquire then, also they might not even need half of what they are buying. As it happens with all types of software there are open-source alternatives. Putting ourselves in the position of a small company, trying to start a new business in Portugal, what kind of ERP would better suit our needs? Would we be better buying a commercial solution, or the open-source one is enough? What if we develop a custom application that implements only our requirements? This thesis will provide answers to this questions by focusing in one of the core modules of any ERP, the Parties module. The parties module is responsible for the management of all entities that interact with a company, ranging from its employees, to its customers, suppliers, etc. We will compare the features provided by a commercial ERP and an open-source ERP. As ERPs tend to be generic solutions they also tend to lack more specific business requirements, so they need to be extensible. We will provide a technical analysis of the open-source solution to see how we could extend it to support custom business requirements and then we’ll extend it to support the generation of an audit file required by the Portuguese government, the SAF-T PT. By studying the open-source ERP and extending it we can specify what would need to be developed in order to have a functional Party management module compliant with the Portuguese laws.
Computer software has become an important part of any line of business, covering a wide range of functional areas, such as manufacturing, sales or human resources. The fact that a company has a software that is capable of connecting all or most of its functional areas and accommodate its business rules allows companies to have access to real-time data upon which decisions can be made. These types of software fall in the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) category. Given that this software plays an important role within a company, the acquisition of an ERP has to be well thought. Big companies usually opt by commercial ERPs as they tend to have more features, support, and certifications. Commercial ERPs are expensive and small companies don’t usually have the money to acquire then, also they might not even need half of what they are buying. As it happens with all types of software there are open-source alternatives. Putting ourselves in the position of a small company, trying to start a new business in Portugal, what kind of ERP would better suit our needs? Would we be better buying a commercial solution, or the open-source one is enough? What if we develop a custom application that implements only our requirements? This thesis will provide answers to this questions by focusing in one of the core modules of any ERP, the Parties module. The parties module is responsible for the management of all entities that interact with a company, ranging from its employees, to its customers, suppliers, etc. We will compare the features provided by a commercial ERP and an open-source ERP. As ERPs tend to be generic solutions they also tend to lack more specific business requirements, so they need to be extensible. We will provide a technical analysis of the open-source solution to see how we could extend it to support custom business requirements and then we’ll extend it to support the generation of an audit file required by the Portuguese government, the SAF-T PT. By studying the open-source ERP and extending it we can specify what would need to be developed in order to have a functional Party management module compliant with the Portuguese laws.
ERPs Gestão de Entidades Apache OFBiz SAP ERP Party Management