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Os sistemas Armazenamento de Energia Térmica (Thermal Energy Storage) (TES)
desempenham um papel essencial na promoção da e ciência energética, ao permitir
a acumulação de energia térmica para ser utilizada mais tarde. Isto contribui para
uma gestão otimizada dos recursos energéticos e para uma maior integração de fontes
de energia renovável.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar o desempenho de um sistema TES, através
da construção de uma plataforma experimental. Esta plataforma permitiu a realiza
ção de testes experimentais em condições controladas, com o intuito de avaliar de
forma detalhada o comportamento de um sistema TES.
A metodologia adotada baseou-se numa revisão bibliográ ca de investigações experimentais
sobre sistemas TES, o que permitiu identi car os parâmetros críticos
para a análise do seu desempenho. Posteriormente, foi desenvolvida uma plataforma
experimental dedicada à realização dos ensaios, onde foram implementadas
metodologias de medição e análise para a recolha de dados. Por m, estes dados
foram analisados, de forma a comparar os resultados obtidos com as tendências
identi cadas na literatura.
Este processo possibilitou a validação do conhecimento previamente adquirido e
permitiu identi car oportunidades de melhoria no desempenho da plataforma experimental
e do sistema TES em estudo.
Thermal Energy Storage (TES) systems play a crucial role in promoting energy e ciency by allowing thermal energy to be stored for later use. This contributes to an optimized management of energy resources and greater integration of renewable energy sources. The objective of this work was to study the performance of a TES system through the construction of an experimental platform. This platform allowed for experimental tests to be carried out under controlled conditions, with the aim of thoroughly evaluating the behavior of a TES system. The methodology was based on a bibliographic review of experimental research on TES systems, which allowed the identi cation of critical parameters for performance analysis. Subsequently, an experimental platform was developed speci cally for conducting the tests, where measurement and analysis methodologies were implemented to collect data. Finally, these data were analyzed in order to compare the results obtained with the trends identi ed in the literature. This made it possible to validate previously acquired knowledge and to identify opportunities for improvement in the performance of the experimental platform and the TES system studied.
Thermal Energy Storage (TES) systems play a crucial role in promoting energy e ciency by allowing thermal energy to be stored for later use. This contributes to an optimized management of energy resources and greater integration of renewable energy sources. The objective of this work was to study the performance of a TES system through the construction of an experimental platform. This platform allowed for experimental tests to be carried out under controlled conditions, with the aim of thoroughly evaluating the behavior of a TES system. The methodology was based on a bibliographic review of experimental research on TES systems, which allowed the identi cation of critical parameters for performance analysis. Subsequently, an experimental platform was developed speci cally for conducting the tests, where measurement and analysis methodologies were implemented to collect data. Finally, these data were analyzed in order to compare the results obtained with the trends identi ed in the literature. This made it possible to validate previously acquired knowledge and to identify opportunities for improvement in the performance of the experimental platform and the TES system studied.
Thermal energy TES system Experimental platform Charging process Discharging process Energia térmica Plataforma experimental Sistema TES Processo de carregamento Processo de descarga