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O transporte rodoviário é responsável por aproximadamente um quarto das emissões totais de
gases com efeito de estufa na Europa. Este setor é, portanto, um dos principais focos do Pacto
Ecológico Europeu, o plano da Comissão Europeia para alcançar a neutralidade climática na
Europa até 2050. A crescente consciencialização ambiental e a emergência energética global,
juntamente com os avanços tecnológicos e os incentivos governamentais, têm impulsionado a
disseminação da mobilidade elétrica no setor dos transportes.
Para compreender os diversos fatores que influenciam a mobilidade elétrica, este relatório
propõe uma análise abrangente através da Análise PESTEL, que examina os fatores políticos,
económicos, sociais, tecnológicos, ambientais e legais que afetam o desenvolvimento e a
adoção de veículos elétricos. Esta análise serviu como base para a metodologia aplicada no
estudo sobre a transformação de uma frota empresarial, realizado no contexto de um estágio,
cujo objetivo era reduzir o consumo de combustíveis fósseis através da substituição por veículos
O capítulo prático do estudo abrange várias etapas essenciais. Inicialmente, foi realizado um
levantamento de dados relativos à frota do ano de 2022, reunindo informações detalhadas
sobre a utilização e os gastos associados aos veículos atuais. Procedeu-se ao tratamento dos
dados e à eliminação de outliers, garantindo o menor erro associado aos dados analisados. A
criação de perfis de utilização permitiu identificar os padrões de uso dos veículos na frota.
Posteriormente, foi efetuado um levantamento do mercado e a definição de perfis de solução,
analisando as opções disponíveis e identificando as mais adequadas às necessidades da frota.
Por fim, desenvolveu-se uma calculadora de cenário, na qual são calculadas as necessidades
energéticas e as respetivas despesas associadas, a poupança ambiental, os benefícios
económicos e os indicadores financeiros, com e sem incentivos fiscais.
Esta abordagem metodológica permitiu a realização de uma análise detalhada e fundamentada
sobre a viabilidade e os benefícios da transição para uma frota de veículos elétricos. Desta
forma, contribuiu para a criação de um cenário solucionador do objetivo e promoveu tanto a
redução das emissões de gases com efeito de estufa, como uma maior sustentabilidade
económica e ambiental.
Road transport is responsible for approximately a quarter of total greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. This sector is therefore one of the main focuses of the European Green Deal, the European Commission's plan to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. Growing environmental awareness and the global energy emergency, together with technological advances and government incentives, have driven the spread of electric mobility in the transport sector. To understand the various factors influencing electric mobility, this report proposes a comprehensive analysis through the PESTEL Analysis, which examines the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors affecting the development and adoption of electric vehicles. This analysis served as the basis for the methodology applied in the study on the transformation of a corporate fleet, carried out in the context of an internship, the aim of which was to reduce fossil fuel consumption by replacing it with electric vehicles. The practical chapter of the study covers several key stages. Firstly, data was collected on the fleet for the year 2022, gathering detailed information on the utilisation and costs associated with current vehicles. The data was processed and outliers eliminated, ensuring the lowest error associated with the analysed data. The creation of utilisation profiles made it possible to identify vehicle use patterns in the fleet. Subsequently, the market was surveyed, and solution profiles were defined, analysing the available options and identifying those best suited to the fleet's needs. Finally, a scenario calculator was developed, which calculates the energy needs and associated expenses, the environmental savings, the economic benefits and financial indicators, with and without tax incentives. This methodological approach enabled a detailed and well-founded analysis of the feasibility and benefits of transitioning to an electric vehicle fleet. In this way, it contributed to creating a solution-oriented scenario and promoted both the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and greater economic and environmental sustainability.
Road transport is responsible for approximately a quarter of total greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. This sector is therefore one of the main focuses of the European Green Deal, the European Commission's plan to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050. Growing environmental awareness and the global energy emergency, together with technological advances and government incentives, have driven the spread of electric mobility in the transport sector. To understand the various factors influencing electric mobility, this report proposes a comprehensive analysis through the PESTEL Analysis, which examines the political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal factors affecting the development and adoption of electric vehicles. This analysis served as the basis for the methodology applied in the study on the transformation of a corporate fleet, carried out in the context of an internship, the aim of which was to reduce fossil fuel consumption by replacing it with electric vehicles. The practical chapter of the study covers several key stages. Firstly, data was collected on the fleet for the year 2022, gathering detailed information on the utilisation and costs associated with current vehicles. The data was processed and outliers eliminated, ensuring the lowest error associated with the analysed data. The creation of utilisation profiles made it possible to identify vehicle use patterns in the fleet. Subsequently, the market was surveyed, and solution profiles were defined, analysing the available options and identifying those best suited to the fleet's needs. Finally, a scenario calculator was developed, which calculates the energy needs and associated expenses, the environmental savings, the economic benefits and financial indicators, with and without tax incentives. This methodological approach enabled a detailed and well-founded analysis of the feasibility and benefits of transitioning to an electric vehicle fleet. In this way, it contributed to creating a solution-oriented scenario and promoted both the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and greater economic and environmental sustainability.
Electric mobility PESTEL Analysis Electric vehicles Car fleet Mobilidade elétrica Análise PESTEL Veículos elétricos Frota automóvel