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No contexto atual, de um mundo global cada vez mais competitivo, as empresas estão sobre constante pressão para responder rapidamente às condições de mudança, serem inovadoras no atendimento às necessidades dos clientes, e ajustarem-se rapidamente ao mercado. Isto implica que as empresas sejam ágeis e que tomem frequentemente decisões de uma forma célere. No entanto, para tomar essas decisões é necessário grande quantidade de dados, de informação e de conhecimento. Ao atuar num mundo global, a informação torna-se num recurso fundamental para o sucesso do negócio de uma empresa. Esse facto leva à aceitação, por parte dos gestores das empresas, de que quem dispõe de informação de boa qualidade, confiável e no momento certo, alcança vantagem competitiva. Contrariamente, a falta de informação conduz a erros e à perda de oportunidades.
Assim, a utilização de ferramentas de Business Intelligence pelas organizações tem-se mostrado uma escolha eficaz sempre que se pretenda disponibilizar informação de suporte à tomada de decisão. No entanto, a implementação deste tipo de ferramentas é complexa, com potenciais impactos financeiros, processuais e estruturais nas organizações.
Desta forma, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi comparar duas plataformas de BI, nomeadamente Cognos e Power BI e, por sua vez, analisar o impacto gerado na transição de ferramentas de BI nos processos e nos colaboradores da área financeira de uma empresa no setor da puericultura. A abordagem metodológica foi um estudo de caso onde os dados empíricos foram recolhidos de diversas fontes, através de análise documental, entrevistas e questionários.
Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que, na ótica estrutural, o tempo de execução de tarefas e a maior produtividade são as razões de preferência de utilização da nova ferramenta de BI, sendo que, na ótica processual, a privacidade, as várias funcionalidades e a automatização dos processos explicam a escolha de uso da nova ferramenta.
In the current context of an increasingly world competitiveness, companies are under constant pressure to respond quickly to changing conditions, be innovative in meeting customer needs and quickly adjust to the market. This implies that companies are agile and that they often make decisions quickly. However, making these decisions requires a large amount of data, information and knowledge. When operating in a global world, information becomes a fundamental resource for the success of a company's business. This fact leads to the acceptance, on the part of company managers, that whoever has good quality, reliable information at the right time, achieves a competitive advantage. On the contrary, lack of information leads to errors and missed opportunities. Thus, the use of Business Intelligence tools by organizations has proved to be an effective choice whenever it is intended to provide information to support decision making. However, the implementation of this type of tools is complex, with potential financial, procedural and structural impacts on organizations. This way, the general objective of this study was to compare two BI platforms, namely Cognos and Power BI and, in turn, to analyze the generated impact in the transition of BI tools in the processes and in the employees of the financial area of a company in the sector of childcare. The methodological approach was a case study where empirical data were collected from different sources, through document analysis, interviews and questionnaires. The results obtained showed that, from a structural point of view, task execution time and greater productivity are the reasons for preferring the use of the new BI tool, and, from a procedural point of view, privacy, the various functionalities and the automation of processes explain the choice to use the new tool.
In the current context of an increasingly world competitiveness, companies are under constant pressure to respond quickly to changing conditions, be innovative in meeting customer needs and quickly adjust to the market. This implies that companies are agile and that they often make decisions quickly. However, making these decisions requires a large amount of data, information and knowledge. When operating in a global world, information becomes a fundamental resource for the success of a company's business. This fact leads to the acceptance, on the part of company managers, that whoever has good quality, reliable information at the right time, achieves a competitive advantage. On the contrary, lack of information leads to errors and missed opportunities. Thus, the use of Business Intelligence tools by organizations has proved to be an effective choice whenever it is intended to provide information to support decision making. However, the implementation of this type of tools is complex, with potential financial, procedural and structural impacts on organizations. This way, the general objective of this study was to compare two BI platforms, namely Cognos and Power BI and, in turn, to analyze the generated impact in the transition of BI tools in the processes and in the employees of the financial area of a company in the sector of childcare. The methodological approach was a case study where empirical data were collected from different sources, through document analysis, interviews and questionnaires. The results obtained showed that, from a structural point of view, task execution time and greater productivity are the reasons for preferring the use of the new BI tool, and, from a procedural point of view, privacy, the various functionalities and the automation of processes explain the choice to use the new tool.
Transformação digital Sistemas de informação Ferramentas de business Intelligence Finanças Digital transformation Information systems Business intelligence tools Finance