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Nos últimos anos tem-se verificado a constante evolução dos mercados em plataformas na
Internet como forma de melhoria não só dos serviços prestados, mas também para o aumento
de vendas de produtos e respetiva internacionalização dos mesmos. Este aumento da procura
por este tipo de softwares, assim como a constante evolução e atualização dos mesmos tem
contribuído para que estas aplicações evoluam em termos de funcionalidades e complexidade.
Isto contribui cada vez para a dificuldade de formar equipas capazes de manter e desenvolver
estes sistemas sem que comprometa em grandes custos para as organizações.
Neste sentido surgiram diversas ferramentas que permitem criar soluções pré desenvolvidas de
aplicações na Internet denominadas de "E-commerce applications". Estas plataformas, apesar
do utilizador não ter obrigatoriamente que deter conhecimentos de programação para
proceder à sua instalação, são bastante restritas tanto aos serviços que podem ser usados, e na
sua escalabilidade, visto que normalmente correm em servidores específicos e por vezes as
configurações necessárias para instalação tornam-se bastante complexas de ser efetuadas.
Pretende-se no âmbito desta dissertação de mestrado propor um modelo de uma arquitetura
de um sistema baseado em mecanismos MDA para a área de retalho, particularmente em
ambientes de e-commerce. Serão inicialmente sistematizados os principais tipos de ecommerce
numa perspetiva de evolução histórica. Será igualmente enquadrado o MDA no
desenvolvimento de um sistema de e-commerce. Neste sentido, serão equacionadas as
diferenças entre o modelo típico de desenvolvimento de software e o desenvolvimento de
software orientado pelas metodologias do MDA.
No processo de especificação e desenvolvimento do modelo proposto será realizada uma
análise de requisitos, assim como, a proposta do modelo da arquitetura de um sistema baseado
em mecanismos MDA, tendo como orientação os requisitos e arquitetura definida na fase de
análise. Finalmente no sentido de analisar o resultado esperado para um sistema orientado por
metodologias definidas por MDA, serão realizado alguns testes no sistema desenvolvido de
forma a analisar o seu desempenho e validar a sua adequabilidade no âmbito do processo de
desenvolvimento de sistemas e-commerce
In recent years there has been the constant evolution of Internet platforms in markets as a way to improve not only the services provided, but also to increase product sales and respective internationalization. This increased demand for this type of software, as well as the constant evolution and update them has contributed to these applications evolve in terms of functionality and complexity. This contributes increasingly to the difficulty of forming teams capable of maintaining and developing these systems without compromise in large costs for organizations. In this sense, they emerged several tools that let you create pre solutions developed applications on the Internet called "E-commerce applications". These platforms, although the user does not have necessarily had any programming knowledge to carry out its installation, are quite restricted both services you can use, and scalability, as usually running on specific servers and sometimes the necessary settings for Installation become quite complex to be made. It is intended as part of this master's thesis propose a model of an architecture of a system based on MDA mechanisms for the retail area, particularly in e-commerce environments. They will initially systematized the main types of e-commerce in a historical perspective of evolution. It will also framed the MDA to develop an e-commerce system. In this sense, it is equated differences between the typical model of software development and software development methodologies guided by the MDA. The specification and development process of the model an analysis of requirements will be held, as well as the model proposed architecture of a system based on MDA mechanisms, with the guidance requirements and architecture defined in the analysis phase. Finally in order to analyze the expected result for a system-oriented methodologies defined by MDA will be conducted some tests on the system developed to analyze its performance and validate their suitability within the e-commerce systems development process.
In recent years there has been the constant evolution of Internet platforms in markets as a way to improve not only the services provided, but also to increase product sales and respective internationalization. This increased demand for this type of software, as well as the constant evolution and update them has contributed to these applications evolve in terms of functionality and complexity. This contributes increasingly to the difficulty of forming teams capable of maintaining and developing these systems without compromise in large costs for organizations. In this sense, they emerged several tools that let you create pre solutions developed applications on the Internet called "E-commerce applications". These platforms, although the user does not have necessarily had any programming knowledge to carry out its installation, are quite restricted both services you can use, and scalability, as usually running on specific servers and sometimes the necessary settings for Installation become quite complex to be made. It is intended as part of this master's thesis propose a model of an architecture of a system based on MDA mechanisms for the retail area, particularly in e-commerce environments. They will initially systematized the main types of e-commerce in a historical perspective of evolution. It will also framed the MDA to develop an e-commerce system. In this sense, it is equated differences between the typical model of software development and software development methodologies guided by the MDA. The specification and development process of the model an analysis of requirements will be held, as well as the model proposed architecture of a system based on MDA mechanisms, with the guidance requirements and architecture defined in the analysis phase. Finally in order to analyze the expected result for a system-oriented methodologies defined by MDA will be conducted some tests on the system developed to analyze its performance and validate their suitability within the e-commerce systems development process.
MDA Framework Internet Gerador E-commerce Modelos Web Generator E-commerce Models