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A partir da introdução da TV digital, o Brasil viu melhorias significativas na qualidade
de imagem e som, além de permitir maior interatividade e inclusão social por
meio da tecnologia digital. No entanto, o espectro limitado se tornou um desafio
crescente devido à alta demanda por serviços de comunicação, principalmente em
áreas urbanas. Este trabalho examina a implementação da tecnologia Multiple-Input
Multiple-Output (MIMO) para melhorar a capacidade de transmissão da televisão digital
no Brasil, especialmente em face da escassez de espectro disponível nas grandes
A abordagem proposta inclui o uso de sistemas MIMO para aumentar a eficiência
espectral e a capacidade de transmissão. O trabalho detalha a modelagem de canal
e algoritmos de processamento de sinal necessários para implementar a tecnologia
MIMO, utilizando a tecnologia de pré-codificação e explorando bandas de frequência
mais amplas para otimizar o uso do espectro. As simulações são realizadas com
o suporte da biblioteca Sionna da Nvidia, facilitando a integração e avaliação do
aprendizado de máquina em comunicações 6G.
O estudo destaca a necessidade de adaptações tecnológicas no setor de radiodifusão
brasileiro e propõe soluções para problemas associados à falta de espectro.
Os resultados indicam que a implementação do MIMO 2x2 melhora significativamente
a qualidade do serviço e o desempenho do sistema com diferentes valores de
correlação estabelecidos como decimais no código usado. O sistema apresenta o melhor
desempenho quando o fator de correlação está próximo de 0,1 para ambas as
Since the introduction of digital TV, Brazil has seen significant improvements in image and sound quality, as well as allowing for greater interactivity and social inclusion through digital technology. However, the limited spectrum has become a growing challenge due to the high demand for communication services, especially in urban areas. This work examines the implementation of MIMO technology to improve the transmission capacity of digital television in Brazil, especially in the face of the scarcity of available spectrum in large cities. The proposed approach includes the use of MIMO systems to increase spectral efficiency and transmission capacity. The work details the channel modeling and signal processing algorithms required to implement MIMO technology, using precoding technology and exploring wider frequency bands to optimize spectrum use. Simulations are performed with the support of Nvidia’s Sionna library, facilitating the integration and evaluation of machine learning in 6G communications. The study highlights the need for technological adaptations in the Brazilian broadcasting sector and proposes solutions to problems associated with the lack of spectrum. The results indicate that the implementation of 2x2 MIMO significantly improves service quality and system performance with different correlation values set as decimals in the code used. The system performs best when the correlation factor is close to 0.1 for both antennas.
Since the introduction of digital TV, Brazil has seen significant improvements in image and sound quality, as well as allowing for greater interactivity and social inclusion through digital technology. However, the limited spectrum has become a growing challenge due to the high demand for communication services, especially in urban areas. This work examines the implementation of MIMO technology to improve the transmission capacity of digital television in Brazil, especially in the face of the scarcity of available spectrum in large cities. The proposed approach includes the use of MIMO systems to increase spectral efficiency and transmission capacity. The work details the channel modeling and signal processing algorithms required to implement MIMO technology, using precoding technology and exploring wider frequency bands to optimize spectrum use. Simulations are performed with the support of Nvidia’s Sionna library, facilitating the integration and evaluation of machine learning in 6G communications. The study highlights the need for technological adaptations in the Brazilian broadcasting sector and proposes solutions to problems associated with the lack of spectrum. The results indicate that the implementation of 2x2 MIMO significantly improves service quality and system performance with different correlation values set as decimals in the code used. The system performs best when the correlation factor is close to 0.1 for both antennas.
MIMO Televisão digital Espectro eletromagnético Comunicação sem fio Eficiência espectral Tecnologia de transmissão Digital Television Electromagnetic spectrum Wireless communication Sprectarl efficiency Transmission technology