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O combate à corrupção constitui um desafio importante, mesmo para as
economias desenvolvidas, principalmente nesta era da globalização. Para o efeito, torna-se
importante conhecer os principais factores, nomeadamente económicos, que determinam
diferentes níveis de corrupção nas Administrações Públicas. Considerando os 15 Estados-
-membros da União Europeia, para os quais existem grandes divergências nos índices de
percepção da corrupção, o objectivo é estabelecer correlações entre corrupção e diversos
indicadores de rendimento, governação, liberdade económica e ética empresarial. Conclui-se
que a honestidade dos burocratas e políticos está positivamente correlacionada
com a eficácia governamental, maior qualidade da regulação, estabilidade política, voz
e responsabilização, e maior liberdade económica. Adicionalmente, conclui-se que a componente
legal da corrupção empresarial é relativamente mais relevante do que a componente ilegal e que se correlacionam positivamente com a percepção da corrupção na
Administração Pública.
Controlling corruption is an important challenge namely to developed economies due to globalization. For the effect, it becomes important to know the main economic factors that determine different levels of corruption in the public administrations. Considering the 15 States Members of the European Union, for which there are great divergences in perception indexes of corruption, the objective is to establish corre- lations between corruption and different indicators of income, governance, economic freedom and ethics in business. The conclusions are that honesty of bureaucrats and politicians is correlated positively with governmental effectiveness, better quality of regulation, political stability, voice and accounting, and economic freedom. Additionally, we conclude that corporate legal corruption component is relatively more important than the corporate illegal corruption component and that they are also positively correlated with the perception of corruption in the public administration.
Controlling corruption is an important challenge namely to developed economies due to globalization. For the effect, it becomes important to know the main economic factors that determine different levels of corruption in the public administrations. Considering the 15 States Members of the European Union, for which there are great divergences in perception indexes of corruption, the objective is to establish corre- lations between corruption and different indicators of income, governance, economic freedom and ethics in business. The conclusions are that honesty of bureaucrats and politicians is correlated positively with governmental effectiveness, better quality of regulation, political stability, voice and accounting, and economic freedom. Additionally, we conclude that corporate legal corruption component is relatively more important than the corporate illegal corruption component and that they are also positively correlated with the perception of corruption in the public administration.
Projecto «Economics of Corruption in Contemporary Portugal» no Centro de Estudos da População, Economia e Sociedade (CEPESE)
Corrupção Governação Liberdade económica Ética Corruption Governance Economic freedom Ethics