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A integração da personalidade para aprimorar as recomendações é uma tendência emergente nos sistemas de recomendação. Contudo, a precisão na determinação da personalidade de um indivíduo é uma tarefa que tipicamente exige a aplicação de extensos questionários de personalidade, que podem sofrer de enviesamentos associados à desejabilidade social, ou requerem uma quantidade significativa de interações dos utilizadores com os sistemas de recomendação. Neste projeto desenvolveu-se um jogo sério 3D de curta duração, utilizando a tecnologia Unity, com o objetivo de avaliar implicitamente o traço moralidade dos utilizadores através de dilemas morais apresentados durante o jogo. Para validar a eficácia do jogo na determinação do traço, foram realizadas experiências com voluntários (n=96). Os resultados obtidos no jogo foram comparados com os valores do questionário IPIP-NEO-120, demonstrando correlações significativas entre os resultados. As experiências indicaram que o jogo sério é eficaz na captura da moralidade, sendo menos intrusivo e mais envolvente para os utilizadores. Encontraram-se também correlações significativas com outros traços como altruísmo, cooperação e modéstia. Os resultados mostram que os minijogos são uma forma viável de determinar discretamente a personalidade dos utilizadores, sugerindo que o método proposto é possivelmente uma alternativa viável para a aquisição de traços de personalidade em sistemas de recomendação.
Integrating personality to improve recommendations is an emerging trend in recommender systems. However, accurately determining an individual's personality is a task that typically requires the application of extensive personality questionnaires, which may suffer from biases associated with social desirability, or require a significant amount of user interaction with recommender systems. In this project, a short 3D serious game was developed using Unity technology, with the aim of implicitly assessing users' morality trait through moral dilemmas presented during the game. To validate the effectiveness of the game in determining the trait, experiments were carried out with volunteers (n=96). The results obtained in the game were compared with the values from the IPIP-NEO-120 questionnaire, showing significant correlations between the results. The experiments indicated that the serious game is effective in capturing morality, being less intrusive and more engaging for users. Significant correlations were also found with other traits such as altruism, cooperation and modesty. The results show that mini games are a viable way of unobtrusively determining users' personality, suggesting that the proposed method is possibly a viable alternative for acquiring personality traits in recommender systems.
Integrating personality to improve recommendations is an emerging trend in recommender systems. However, accurately determining an individual's personality is a task that typically requires the application of extensive personality questionnaires, which may suffer from biases associated with social desirability, or require a significant amount of user interaction with recommender systems. In this project, a short 3D serious game was developed using Unity technology, with the aim of implicitly assessing users' morality trait through moral dilemmas presented during the game. To validate the effectiveness of the game in determining the trait, experiments were carried out with volunteers (n=96). The results obtained in the game were compared with the values from the IPIP-NEO-120 questionnaire, showing significant correlations between the results. The experiments indicated that the serious game is effective in capturing morality, being less intrusive and more engaging for users. Significant correlations were also found with other traits such as altruism, cooperation and modesty. The results show that mini games are a viable way of unobtrusively determining users' personality, suggesting that the proposed method is possibly a viable alternative for acquiring personality traits in recommender systems.
Recommender Systems Serious Games Morality Big Five Sistemas de Recomendação Jogos Sérios Moralidade