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O objetivo principal desse trabalho é aplicar as metodologias de classificação da eficiência térmica habitacional utilizadas atualmente no Brasil e em Portugal, a fim de estudar o comportamento térmico de uma moradia com soluções construtivas brasileiras aplicadas no Programa Minha Casa, Minha Vida (PMCMV), simulando a existência da habitação nos dois países. Ao decorrer do trabalho foram expostas as normas e regulamentações de ambos os países. Para o Brasil foi apresentada a norma ABNT NBR 15220, que identifica as características climáticas de cada região e divide o território brasileiro em zonas bioclimáticas de um a oito e a norma de Desempenho de Edificações Habitacionais, ABNT NBR 15575, que estabelece requisitos mínimos a serem cumpridos para garantir o conforto e a segurança dos imóveis. Se tratando dos regulamentos, o Regulamento Técnico da Qualidade para o Nível de Eficiência Energética de Edificações Residenciais (RTQ-R) é utilizado no Brasil para classificar a eficiência energética da habitação, apresentando a escala de A (mais eficiente) até E (menos eficiente). O Regulamento de Desempenho Energético dos Edifícios de Habitação (REH), aplicado em Portugal, também tem por objetivo classificar a edificação residencial quanto a sua eficiência energética além do conforto térmico com a escala variando de A+ (mais eficiente) a F (menos eficiente). Ambos os regulamentos e normas são brevemente descritas nesse trabalho e posteriormente são aplicados em uma habitação já existente na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e que foi simulada a sua existência também em Porto Alegre (Brasil), Porto e Lisboa (Portugal), com o intuito de estudar os comportamentos energético e térmico de uma mesma moradia em quatro climas diferentes. Para as moradias localizadas no Brasil, utilizaram-se as normas e método prescritivo do regulamento brasileiro e para as moradias em Portugal, utilizou-se o método prescritivo do REH, juntamente com a sua documentação complementar. Por fim, foi possível estabelecer uma análise comparativa, apesar de não efetiva, entre as metodologias propostas pelos dois países, sendo que apenas em Portugal a sua aplicação é obrigatória para edifícios novos ou nas intervenções nos edifícios existentes. Note-se que esta análise é algo complexa, em virtude das condições climáticas serem muito diferentes para as simulações efetuadas, bem como as condições de conforto interior. É possível concluir que o regulamento português é mais completo e mais exigente em sua escala do que o método prescritivo brasileiro, apesar de também não contemplar alguns aspetos previstos na análise brasileira.
The main objective of this dissertation is to apply the methodologies in the classification of thermal efficiency in houses currently used in Brazil, and in Portugal with the purpose of studying the thermal behaviour of a house with constructive solutions utilised in a Federal Brazilian housing programme called Minha Casa, Minha Vida; simulating their existence in both countries. Along this study, official rules and regulations from both countries are shown as a guideline. For Brazil, the standard ABNT NBR 15220 was presented, which identifies the climatic features of each region and divides the Brazilian territory into bioclimatic zones ranging from one to eight. The standard Housing Building Performance, ABNT NBR 15575, establishes minimum requirements to be met to ensure comfort and safety of residential buildings. As far as regulations are concerned, Brazil uses RTQ-R, which stands for Technical Quality Regulation for the Level of Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings, to classify the energy efficiency of houses, presenting a scale which ranges from A (most efficient) to E (least efficient). As for Portugal, the REH which stands for Regulation of Energy Performance of Residential Buildings, is used in order to classify residential buildings in terms of their energy efficiency, and thermal comfort with a scale which ranges from A+ (most efficient) to F (least efficient). Both regulations and standards are briefly described in this work and are subsequently applied to an existing physical house in the city of Rio de Janeiro, which was also simulated in Porto Alegre (Brazil), Porto and Lisbon (Portugal), with the purpose of studying the energetic and thermal behaviours of the same house in four different climates. For the houses located in Brazil, Brazilian rules and regulations were used, and for the houses in Portugal, REH was used, along with complementary documentation. In conclusion, it was possible to establish a comparative analysis between the methodologies proposed by both countries, and only in Portugal its application is mandatory for new buildings or major renovations to existing buildings. Note that this analysis is somewhat complex, since the climatic conditions are very different for the simulations carried out, as well as the conditions of interior comfort. Thus, it is possible to understand that the Portuguese regulation is more complete and more demanding in its scale than the Brazilian one, although it also does not include some aspects foreseen in the Brazilian analysis.
The main objective of this dissertation is to apply the methodologies in the classification of thermal efficiency in houses currently used in Brazil, and in Portugal with the purpose of studying the thermal behaviour of a house with constructive solutions utilised in a Federal Brazilian housing programme called Minha Casa, Minha Vida; simulating their existence in both countries. Along this study, official rules and regulations from both countries are shown as a guideline. For Brazil, the standard ABNT NBR 15220 was presented, which identifies the climatic features of each region and divides the Brazilian territory into bioclimatic zones ranging from one to eight. The standard Housing Building Performance, ABNT NBR 15575, establishes minimum requirements to be met to ensure comfort and safety of residential buildings. As far as regulations are concerned, Brazil uses RTQ-R, which stands for Technical Quality Regulation for the Level of Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings, to classify the energy efficiency of houses, presenting a scale which ranges from A (most efficient) to E (least efficient). As for Portugal, the REH which stands for Regulation of Energy Performance of Residential Buildings, is used in order to classify residential buildings in terms of their energy efficiency, and thermal comfort with a scale which ranges from A+ (most efficient) to F (least efficient). Both regulations and standards are briefly described in this work and are subsequently applied to an existing physical house in the city of Rio de Janeiro, which was also simulated in Porto Alegre (Brazil), Porto and Lisbon (Portugal), with the purpose of studying the energetic and thermal behaviours of the same house in four different climates. For the houses located in Brazil, Brazilian rules and regulations were used, and for the houses in Portugal, REH was used, along with complementary documentation. In conclusion, it was possible to establish a comparative analysis between the methodologies proposed by both countries, and only in Portugal its application is mandatory for new buildings or major renovations to existing buildings. Note that this analysis is somewhat complex, since the climatic conditions are very different for the simulations carried out, as well as the conditions of interior comfort. Thus, it is possible to understand that the Portuguese regulation is more complete and more demanding in its scale than the Brazilian one, although it also does not include some aspects foreseen in the Brazilian analysis.
Eficiência térmica ABNT NBR 15220 ABNT NBR 15575 RTQ-R REH Thermal efficiency