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  • Hotel distribution: the influence of online travel agencies on Porto and Northern Portugal hotels
    Publication . Costa, Elga; Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Ribeiro, Joaquim; Meneses, Daniela
    This research aims to understand the influence factors of Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) to book accommodation in four- and five-star hotels in Porto and Northern Portugal, as well as to understand their role in the profitability of each hotel. Online distribution is a necessity for hotels, either to reach higher clients’ numbers or to give visibility to the brand. The presence of OTAs can cause a dependency of the hotels on these intermediaries, so it is necessary to understand the influence that OTAs have on hoteliers, as well as to understand if they have strategies to capture direct reservations. In this present research, the quantitative methodology was chosen, and the data collection instrument was the questionnaire survey. In a universe of 150 hotel units, 55 valid questionnaires were obtained. Exploratory factor analysis was used to define the weights and to construct the index of the influence of OTAs on hotel units. Data collection confirms the influence of OTAs on hotels and the hotels consider OTAs to be essential for maximising occupancy and revenue and as a way of reaching more customers.
  • Actions and strategies on hotel websites: case study of 4- and 5-star hotels in Porto and Northern Portugal
    Publication . Costa, Elga; Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Ribeiro, Joaquim; Meneses, Daniela
    The investigation focuses on the identification of actions and strategies that hoteliers apply on their websites, to capture direct bookings versus their dependence on the OTA, to evaluate the importance and function of the websites of the 4- and 5-star hotels in Porto and Northern Portugal. Online distribution is a necessity for a hotel, either to reach the largest number of customers or to give visibility to the brand. Hotel websites, however, allow greater proximity and communication with the customer, potentiating hotels’ possibility to increase direct bookings. It is therefore necessary to understand which actions and strategies hoteliers must consider for capturing direct bookings. Thus, the main objective of the study is to identify the hoteliers’ dependence on the OTA and the consequent actions and strategies they apply on their websites to capture direct bookings. In the present investigation, the quantitative methodology was chosen, and the data collection instrument was a questionnaire survey, applied in a total universe of 150 hotels, 4- and 5-star hotels in the Region of Porto and Northern Portugal, where 55 responses were obtained. The data obtained were treated and analysed using the SPSS software. The results obtained confirm the existence of actions and strategies in hotels to capture direct reservations; hotels consider these strategies as an essential condition for increasing direct bookings. Limitations have arisen in the collection of questionnaires due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Most hotels closed due to lack of customers and consequently, the sample for the present study is limited in the diversity of the typology of respondents. It is intended with this work to understand what actions and strategies hotels apply on the website, as well as to understand if hotels follow the new technological trends, in what the contact and communication with the client concerns.
  • Percepções do impacto da Covid-19 no turismo outdoor no Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês
    Publication . Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Costa, Elga; Ribeiro, Joaquim; Reis, André
    Numa altura em que o Mundo é afetado por uma pandemia e as medidas de proteção passam pelo distanciamento social, higienização e desinfeção de espaços e equipamentos, o setor do turismo está exposto a inúmeros obstáculos. A insegurança causada pela pandemia afetou os indicadores do turismo um pouco por todo o Mundo, tornando, portanto, premente a necessidade de aferir o impacto efetivo da COVID-19 no setor do turismo bem como no turismo outdoor, especificamente no Parque Nacional da Peneda Gerês (PNPG), na região da Serra do Gerês. Foi elaborado um estudo de natureza exploratória constituído por análise documental e entrevistas a agentes conhecedores das dinâmicas do PNPG, relativamente à prática de turismo outdoor. Os resultados provenientes do presente estudo apontam para um aumento do número de visitantes do Parque nos meses de verão, sobretudo portugueses, fator este justificável pelas limitações em viajar para o estrangeiro. Devido ao cancelamento de eventos de atividades outdoor, o número de visitantes diminuiu significativamente, sobretudo nos meses de época baixa, contribuindo para o aumento da sazonalidade. Por outro lado, nos meses de época alta, verificou-se que o número de participantes em atividades de turismo outdoor operadas pelas empresas de animação turística aumentou relativamente ao período homólogo do ano anterior.