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O presente estudo debruça-se sobre a contabilização dos direitos desportivos como ativos intangíveis, incidindo particularmente na problemática da subvalorização destes ativos, na medida em que na maioria das transações o montante transacionado não está em conformidade com o montante contabilístico registado. Assim, numa primeira fase, é utilizada uma abordagem quantitativa tendo como objetivo contribuir com dados quantificáveis que demonstram a subvalorização dos plantéis de futebol. Para isso foi utilizado o valor de mercado corrigido, que resulta da valorização estimada pelo Transfermarkt ponderada pela percentagem dos direitos económicos detidos pelas sociedades anónimas desportivas que são objeto de estudo: Sport Lisboa e Benfica; Futebol Clube do Porto e Sporting Clube de Portugal. O segundo objetivo é o de proporcionar credibilidade à plataforma Transfermarkt. Na segunda fase da investigação opta-se por uma abordagem qualitativa assente na análise das certificações legais das contas dos clubes objeto de estudo e nas entrevistas realizadas, tendo como objetivo averiguar quais são os procedimentos específicos de auditoria utilizados na rubrica de ativos intangíveis e de que forma a mensuração pelo custo histórico impacta o trabalho do auditor na avaliação do pressuposto de continuidade.
Do estudo efetuado conclui-se que: i) Os plantéis de futebol estão genericamente subvalorizados; ii) O Transfermarkt é uma plataforma fiável relativamente aos valores de mercado proporcionados; iii) Os procedimentos específicos de auditoria à rubrica de AI são: Obtenção e resumo dos contratos, Verificação do adequado registo, Avaliação dos controlos instruídos pela sociedade, Teste às amortizações, Teste às imparidades; Revisão das divulgações efetuadas no anexo às demonstrações financeiras; iv) O auditor olha a uma multiplicidade de fatores quando avalia o pressuposto de continuidade da organização, sendo a análise dos planos previsionais de tesouraria de particular relevância para suprir as debilidades da mensuração pelo custo histórico.
This study is focused on the accounting of player´s sports rights as intangible assets, particularly on the problem of the undervalue of these assets, since in most of the transactions the turnover amount it's not in accordance with the registed carrying amount. Thus, in a first phase, a quantitative approach is used in order to contribute with quantifiable data that demonstrate the undervalue of football squads. For this, it was used the corrected market value, which results from the estimated valuation by the Transfermarkt weighted by the percentage of economic rights held by the clubs that are the subject of study: Sport Lisboa and Benfica, Futebol Clube do Porto and Sporting Clube de Portugal. The second main focus is to provide credibility to the platform Transfermarkt. In the second phase of the investigation, a qualitative approach was taken based on the analysis of the auditor´s reports of the football clubs under study and the interviews made, with the aim of ascertaining what are the specific audit procedures used in the intangible assets heading and how the measurement by historical cost impacts the auditor's work in evaluating the assumption of continuity. This study concludes that: i) football squads are generally undervalued; ii) The Transfermarkt it is a reliable platform in relation to the market values provided; iii) the specific audit procedures for the intangible assets heading are: obtaining and summarizing contracts, verifying the appropriate registration, evaluating the controls instructed by the company, amortization test, impairment test; review of the disclosures made in the annex to the financial demonstrations; iv) the auditor takes into consideration a multitude of factors when evaluating the assumption of continuity of the organization, and the analysis of the provisional cash flows with particular relevance to overcome the weaknesses of the measurement by historical cost.
This study is focused on the accounting of player´s sports rights as intangible assets, particularly on the problem of the undervalue of these assets, since in most of the transactions the turnover amount it's not in accordance with the registed carrying amount. Thus, in a first phase, a quantitative approach is used in order to contribute with quantifiable data that demonstrate the undervalue of football squads. For this, it was used the corrected market value, which results from the estimated valuation by the Transfermarkt weighted by the percentage of economic rights held by the clubs that are the subject of study: Sport Lisboa and Benfica, Futebol Clube do Porto and Sporting Clube de Portugal. The second main focus is to provide credibility to the platform Transfermarkt. In the second phase of the investigation, a qualitative approach was taken based on the analysis of the auditor´s reports of the football clubs under study and the interviews made, with the aim of ascertaining what are the specific audit procedures used in the intangible assets heading and how the measurement by historical cost impacts the auditor's work in evaluating the assumption of continuity. This study concludes that: i) football squads are generally undervalued; ii) The Transfermarkt it is a reliable platform in relation to the market values provided; iii) the specific audit procedures for the intangible assets heading are: obtaining and summarizing contracts, verifying the appropriate registration, evaluating the controls instructed by the company, amortization test, impairment test; review of the disclosures made in the annex to the financial demonstrations; iv) the auditor takes into consideration a multitude of factors when evaluating the assumption of continuity of the organization, and the analysis of the provisional cash flows with particular relevance to overcome the weaknesses of the measurement by historical cost.
Ativos intangíveis Custo histórico Justo valor Princípio da continuidade Transfermarkt Intangible assets Historical cost Fair value Going concern