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Health Literacy – knowledge about diastasis of the rectus and its relationship with pelvic floor dysfunctions

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Health literacy (HL) enables people to be empowered, allowing them to make informed decisions and adopt healthy lifestyles. Throughout a woman's life cycle, events occur that can lead to the appearance of Diastasis of the Rectus Abdominal Muscles (ARD) and Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions (DPF). Assess the levels of HL related to ARD, through its domains – functional, interactive and critical – and its relationship with sociodemographic variables; as well analyze a possible relationship between the different levels of literacy and the presence of DPF. Cross-sectional study, consisting of 318 women who completed two online tests “Health Literacy - Knowledge about diastasis of the rectus abdominal muscles” and the “Pelvic Floor Distress Inventory”. Overall, the average literacy rate is low (Functional= 3,87±1,792; Interactive= 5,15±2,296; Critical= 10,49±1,779), since of the three domains analyzed, in two of them the levels of Literacy in ARD ranges from inappropriate to problematic. It was also verified the presence of better levels of literacy in younger women, in those with a higher academic degree and in health professionals. Finally, it was possible to verify that women who have one or more DPF have lower levels of literacy in all domains – functional, interactive and critical (s= - 0,271;p



Functional literacy Interactive literacy Critical literacy Health promotion Physiotherapy


Costa, M. J., Pereira, S. C., Mesquita, C., Lopes, S., Vieira, A. I., & Santos, P. C. (2022). Health Literacy – knowledge about diastasis of the rectus and its relationship with pelvic floor dysfunctions. 2nd International Congress on 21st Century Literacies: book of proceedings, 94–113.

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