Martins, João P.Felgueiras, MiguelSantos, Rui2024-04-102024-04-102022Martins, J. P., Felgueiras, M., & Santos, R. (2022). Mean value estimation using low size samples extracted from skewed populations. WSEAS Transactios on Mathematics, 21, 107–112. use of the 𝑇-statistic in statistical inference procedures is usually restricted to normal populations or to large samples. However, these conditions may not be fulfilled in some situations: the population can be moderate/highly skewed, or the sample size can be small. In this work, we use the Pearson’s system of distributions, namely, type IV distributions to model 𝑇. By some simulation work, it is shown that this approximation leads to confidence intervals whose coverage is close to the nominal coverage even for low sample sizes.eng𝑇-statisticType IV distributionsPearson’s systemSkewnesskurtosisEstimationConfidence intervalCoverageMean valueSimulationMean value estimation using low size samples extracted from skewed populationsjournal article10.37394/23206.2022.21.162224-2880