Tenreiro Machado, J. A.Galhano, Alexandra2019-04-101997-07-07http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/13523A new approach to the analysis and design of robot manipulators is presented. The novel feature resides on a non-standard formulation to the modelling problem. Usually, system descriptions are based on a set of differential equations which, in general, require laborious computations and may be difficult to analyse. These facts motivate the need of alternative models based on different mathematical concepts. The proposed statistical approach to the Fourier modelling gives clear guidelines towards the optimisation of the robot kinematics and point out structural characteristics of the trajectory planning algorithms.engManipulator kinematicsRobotsDesign engineeringMathematical modelTrajectoryA novel method for the modelling of mechanical manipulatorsconference object10.1109/ISIE.1997.648827