Monteiro, Rafaela Costa, Pedro2023-04-112023-04-112022-12Monteiro, R., & Costa, P. (2022). Survey on the knowledge of Portuguese society about Nuclear Medicine: A snapshot of the reality in the beginning of the decade. Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, 53(4), 571–579. Medicine has grown exponentially over the years, since it is useful in the early diagnosis and treatment of several pathologies. However, this field appears to be not widely recognized at the public level. An exploratory/descriptive cross-sectional study using a national survey assessed the Portuguese population's knowledge of Nuclear Medicine. A total of 211 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The study population is made up of Portuguese adult citizens. The study revealed a lack of knowledge about Nuclear Medicine. Some respondents were aware of this field, however a significant number have low or no knowledge at all. Most individuals are not aware about the Nuclear Medicine Departments in their home districts. This project found limited knowledge within the Portuguese population about ionizing radiation in medical procedures, and mainly in Nuclear Medicine. Data highlighted the need to implement awareness campaigns to disseminate knowledge on this field. Health professionals should be aware about the lack of knowledge on this field by patients and public.engHealth literacyNuclear medicinePatient educationPatient knowledgeSurvey on the knowledge of Portuguese society about Nuclear Medicine: A snapshot of the reality in the beginning of the decadejournal article10.1016/j.jmir.2022.09.0281939-8654