Borges, Daniel FilipePrimicerio, GiuliaPerjoc, Radu‐ȘtefanBloch, Lars ØlgaardCacic Hribljan, Melita2024-10-152024-10-152024-09Borges, D. F., Primicerio, G., Perjoc, R. Ș., Bloch, L. Ø., & Cacic Hribljan, M. (2024). The Dianalund experience: A review of the 6th ILAE School on Advanced EEG and Epilepsy. Epileptic disorders : international epilepsy journal with videotape, 10.1002/epd2.20289. Advance online publication. 6th International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE)School on Advanced EEG and Epilepsy (DSSEE6) tookplace between July 20 and 28, 2024. It is a biennial courseheld in Dianalund @ Danish Epilepsy Center—Filadelfia,Denmark, since 2012. This year's event was hosted in ahybrid format and was organized under the auspices ofthe ILAE Academy and the Danish Epilepsy Society.engEpilepsyEEGThe Dianalund experience: A review of the 6th ILAE School on Advanced EEG and Epilepsyjournal article10.1002/epd2.202891950-6945