Reddy, RadhaAlmeida, LuisSantos, Pedro M.Tovar, Eduardo2023-07-202023-07-202023-07-20 intersections are often busier with a separate road lane per crossing direction, i.e., left, straight, and right. These intersections eliminate the diverging and merging conflicts; thus, vehicles only fall under crossing conflicts within intersections. However, the traditional way of serving vehicles from one road at a time increases traffic congestion and hinders performance. To address this issue, we extended the synchronous framework for complex intersections with a separate road lane per crossing direction, which was initially presented for single-lane and two-lane intersections in which roads are shared among vehicles with different crossing directions. We compare the performance of our synchronous framework against the traditional Round-Robin (RR) intersection management approach.engComplex Intersections with a Dedicated Road Lane per Crossing Direction230602other