Domingues, JoséGomes, Paulo VelosoAlmeida, Raquel Simões deMartins, ConstantinoFonseca, NunoSantos, JoaquimMarques, AntónioPereira, Javier2024-02-282024-02-282023-10Domingues, J., Gomes, P. V., Almeida, R. S. de, Fonseca, N., Martins, C., Santos, J., Marques, A., & Pereira-Loureiro, J. (2023). Self-management Web Application for Persons with Schizophrenia. Proceedings XoveTIC 2023, 83–86. paper describes a web-based application with the purpose of improving the selfmanagement of people with schizophrenia. The main objective with the creation of a web application for mental health management was to provide easy and convenient access to resources, information, and tools that can help individuals manage their mental health issues more effectively and with greater autonomy. The application integrates different functionalities, such as stress management system, problem solving tools, medication control, symptoms monitoring and social interaction. In addition to self-management, the application facilitates interaction between the person with schizophrenia and the health professional through telemonitoring systems, reducing risks and increasing the patient’s quality of life.engWeb-based applicationSchizophreniaMental healthSelf-management web application for persons with schizophreniaconference object10.17979/spudc.000024.13