Costa, Igor Pinheiro de AraújoTerra, Adilson VilarinhoMoreira, Miguel Ângelo LellisPereira, Maria TeresaFávero, Luiz Paulo LopesSantos, Marcos dosGomes, Carlos Francisco Simões2023-01-192023-01-192022 selection is increasingly proving to be an essential factor for the success of organizations. These issues almost universally involve multiple conflicting objectives, uncertainties, costs, and benefits in decision-making. In this context, personnel assessment problems, which include several candidates as alternatives, along with several complex evaluation criteria, can be solved by applying Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. Uncertainty and subjectivity characterize the choice of personnel for missions or promotions at the military level. In this paper, we evaluated 30 Brazilian Navy officers in the light of four criteria and 34 subcriteria. To support the decision-making process regarding the promotion of officers, we applied the ELECTRE-Mor MCDM method. We categorized the alternatives into three classes in the modeling proposed in this work, namely: Class A (Promotion by deserving), Class B (Promotion by seniority), and Class C (Military not promoted). As a result, the method presented 20% of the officers evaluated with performance corresponding to class A, 53% of the alternatives to class B, and 26.7% with performances attributed to class C. In addition, we presented a sensitivity analysis procedure through variation of the cut-off level λ, allowing decision-making on more flexible or rigorous scenarios at the discretion of the Naval High Administration. This work brings a valuable contribution to academia and society since it represents the application of an MCDM method in state of the art to contribute to solving a real problem.engMulticriteria decision making (MCDM)ELECTRE-MOrDecision makingPersonnel selectionBrazilian navyA Systematic Approach to the Management of Military Human Resources through the ELECTRE-MOr Multicriteria Methodjournal article10.3390/a15110422