Mesquita, CristinaLopes, SofiaSilva, DanielaNeves, InêsAraújo, FilipaVitorino, AliceLopes, PatríciaExcelsa Moreira, MariaCarneiro, Ana2019-06-272019-06-272014 and Objectives Fibromyalgia (FM) is a rheumatic disease and the cause remains unknown, it’s characterised by the presence of musculoskeletal widespread pain, and the lumbar region is one of the places frequently affected. Pain presented by FM patients is usually described as the forum muscular, and one of the most referred to is the back. These painful situations can be associated to the function of the lumbar support of the upper body weight, so this region being subjected to compressive loads and lumbopelvic instability situations, which are frequently associated with low back pain, so it is important to consciousness of posture neutral in the lumbar spine, strengthening and stretching the muscles responsible for the stability of this region. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of an exercise program performed at home in the level of disability caused by low back pain in patients with FM.engPain syndromesFibromyalgiaA7.3 Evaluation the effect of a home-exercise program based on disability caused by back pain in individuals with fibromyalgiaconference object10.1136/annrheumdis-2013-205124.171